konqkonv - easy KDE DVD/VCD mpg creator
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Ratings & Comments
7 good
7 7 good
Works GREAT..!! :) only replace single quote with double quote, and no space at begin and end of path line. works better with Konsole... thank you..
I'm tired so I'm sorry if I missed something obvious - but currently if I right-click on any file or directory in Dolpin (including remote file protocols) and choose Copy from the drop-down menu I get *exactly* that same thing. i.e. the full path of the file or directory which I can paste into documents or a konsole. Perhaps if you modified your work so that it escaped spaces in file and directory names it might be useful for scripting and konsole work.
For what it's worth: this tool gives you the path like so: '/the/path/to/file' while copy/paste in Dolphin will just give you the path like so: file:///the/path/to/file and with spaces if any