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KDE servicemenu Magda - snadná změna grafického tématu

Již dlouho jsem nad něčím takovým uvažoval, ale stále jsem to odkládal. Mám na mysli co nejsnadnější změnu obrázku na pozadí, počínaje úvodním GRUBem a konče obrázkem na pozadí plochy (wallpaperem). Můj skript (KDE servicemenu) právě takovéto sjednocení vzhledu umožňuje. Stačí klepnout pravým myšákem na vhodný obrázek, a tento se nastaví jako pozadí GRUBu, Plymouthu, KDM, KSplashe a plochy. ( Celý text v češtině: )

KDE servicemenu Magda - easy change graphic theme

I have long thought of something like that, but I kept putting it off. I mean most easily change the background image, starting with the GRUB to the end desktop background (Wallpaper). My script (KDE servicemenu) just allows the appearance of such unification. Just right-click on the appropriate image mouse, and this is set as the background GRUB, Plymouth, KDM, KSplash and surfaces. (GRUB-2 is not supportet).

So please install kde-servicemenu-magda, select the appropriate image (***), then right-click button mouse the popup menu, select "Actions -> Magda - easy to change graphic theme." In the following dialog boxes, select the coloring "glass", logo (just click to enter), and enter the root password. That's it, wait a while before everything resets (end of the process will tell you a dialog box with the text "Done / Hotovo"). After restart, your picture will be set in everything from the start (GRUB) to the end (wallpapper).

(***) "Appropriate image" should meet the following parameters: minimum dimensions and particularly the aspect ratio according to the resolution of your monitor. Image resolution of 2560x1600 is unnecessary, because the script is with this resolution works internally.

Servicemenu "Magda" works not only in Mageia, but also in other RPM distros, certainly in OpenSUSE 12.2 and Fedora 17. In other RPM distributions, however, vouch for full functionality, since each distribution is everything somewhere else and not in my power to capture any differences. And for example, Kubuntu does not know the command "plymouth-set-default-theme", so I walked out on Kubuntu. Maybe someday, when I get bored, I get back to him.

Return to its original state

After uninstalling the package should automatically return to its original state: GRUB, Plymouth and KDM. If not, see below. Splash (splash screen) and wallpaper must be returned using the KDE utilities.

If you use any other distro, or if you have defect system and automatic does not work, you will need to reconfigure everything manually:


[ -f /boot/gfxmenu-bat ] && rm -f /boot/gfxmenu && mv /boot/gfxmenu-bat /boot/gfxmenu


[ -f /boot/message-bat ] && rm -f /boot/message && mv /boot/message-bat /boot/message


plymouth-set-default-theme --list

plymouth-set-default-theme SELECTED_THEME





KDM (the login screen)

Use the KDE Control Center
Last changelog:

15.07.2014 - v. 1.0.3
28.04.2014 - v. 1.0.2
17.10.2013 - v. 1.0.1 -
removal of minor errors
12.12.2012 - v. 1.0.0 - stable, first public
03.09.2012 - v. 0.9.9
30.11.2011 - v. 0.0.1

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version 1.0.3
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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