Description: I often get files with kmail. They are saved with the rights 600 or 700. I wanted an easy way for setting them right (for me). Especialy for HTML- or PHP-files in ~/public_html, where apache has no rights to show them. So here you have a service menu for the rights 644 and 755. You can easilie add your own types.
Just copy the file to ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus or if you want it systemwide put it as root in /opt/kde3/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus
I hope you like it.Last changelog:
20050812 added languages: es, fr, nl 20050811 First version, languages: default [en], german
Thanks for the translations!
I you don't find your translation in the file, someone else sent me one earlier in your language via email, which I already added.
So don't be disappointed.
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for the translations! I you don't find your translation in the file, someone else sent me one earlier in your language via email, which I already added. So don't be disappointed.
[Desktop Entry] [..] X-KDE-Submenu[nl]=Bestandsrechten wijzigen [Desktop Action Change644] [..] Name[nl]=Bestandsrechten wijzigen naar 644 [..] [Desktop Action Change755] [..] Name[nl]=Bestandsrechten wijzigen naar 755 [..]
[Desktop Entry] ... X-KDE-Submenu[es]=Cambiar Permisos [Desktop Action Change644] ... Name[es]=Cambiar permisos a 644 [Desktop Action Change755] ... Name[es]=Cambiar permisos a 644
X-KDE-Submenu[fr]=Changer les permissions Name=En 644