Description: A very simple service menu script to convert files from ps to pdf. You need to have ps2pdf command installed. It is normally installed by default, if not (you can easily check with the command "which ps2pdf") you can install probably using your package manager (in suse it comes preinstalled, other distros i don't know).
The output pdf file will be the same and the file will be stored in your HOME directory.
No problem if the filename has spaces; in the conversion, they will be changed in underscores (i decided this cuz i really really dislike spaced filenames.. you can easily cut off that line of code)
********* HOW TO USE **********
Make the .sh file executable (if necessary) and place it in a directory of your path, for example /home/YOUR_USERNAME/bin
Place the service menu file convert_ps_to_pdf.desktop in /home/YOUR_USERNAME/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus
Small C++ program that creates latex file for the ps files. Especially useful if you want to look at and print a large number of ps files.
there are TONS of application out there that accomplish the same task. Kpdftools for instance is a great one, great user interface and provides many more functionalities than the one linked there at "linuxjunk".
And one could also just use the ps2pdf command from console, aint that hard.
Simply, i wanted a service menu, and could not find any, maybe there are, but it was faster to write it from scratch.
I wrote this script *for myself* and then uploaded here in case someone might find it handy, but, obviously, i did know its nothing new at all. So "take it as it is". Its just simple, fast, and does what I wanted it to do.
Ratings & Comments
2 Comments Small C++ program that creates latex file for the ps files. Especially useful if you want to look at and print a large number of ps files.
there are TONS of application out there that accomplish the same task. Kpdftools for instance is a great one, great user interface and provides many more functionalities than the one linked there at "linuxjunk". And one could also just use the ps2pdf command from console, aint that hard. Simply, i wanted a service menu, and could not find any, maybe there are, but it was faster to write it from scratch. I wrote this script *for myself* and then uploaded here in case someone might find it handy, but, obviously, i did know its nothing new at all. So "take it as it is". Its just simple, fast, and does what I wanted it to do.