Author: nikore90 & V. 0.3 - Bug fixes - Added KDE submenu for VLC - Option to play an individual folder - Option to append folder to current playlist
Author: nikore90 V. 0.2 - New translations: FI - Support for almost every multimedia files and also DVD-structures
Author: V. 0.1 - So long it only supports EN, IT languages but translations are welcome. - It only supports MP3, WMA, FLAC files (Ask for more formats, I'll be happy to implement them). - Folders will be played with one instance play and close mode.
I fixed bugs with files being enqueued to current playlist and copied files not being marked as executables.
I also added option for adding folder to current playlist.
I used Google Translator for "Name[it]=.." so you might have to edit it. Also I'm not very good at english so please check spelling.
Did you mean "vlc --append" command or....?
If so it's not recognized as a command by version 1.1.12.
Version 0.1 of this script had 2 scripts both it either eng.
Version 0.2 has fi script too.
I didn't notice there already was a similar app, but i do prefer to take a different branch...
However the code is free so you can do whatever you want with it, just in case remember to mention authors for glory!
My idea was actually just to have a context menu to easily play folders (music albums) in a click.
So my project ends there.
It's been improved by nikore90 to play almost any file (Also video).
And you merged it with VLC append. What else can we do? :D
However yes we can collaborate if there's work to do!
well cleaning code i just did the job but i didn't clean my script
then i should fix the language support ...
if you do
echo $"message"
you can create a po file for translators
so you can avoid to create multiple script ... in different languagess
ho caricato i file come descritto ma zu azioni quando seleziono la cartella non appare.
uso Aptosid con kde 4.6, noto che copiando il file ofwvlc da root non posso accedergli da utente non root che sia quello il problema?
Prova a fare un reboot, le modifiche al service menu prendono effetto al prossimo login. Se anche così non dovesse funzionare prova a dare questo comando:
sudo chmod +x /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/vlc.desktop
e dare un giro alla macchina.
a quanto pare al riavvio adesso lo trova però mi dà come immagine che non trova il file ofwvlc perchè ha i permessi di root mentre io uso un altro utente.
Prova a vedere se hai copiato il file ofwvlc in maniera corretta:
ls -ltr /usr/sbin/ofwvlc
se il file è presente allora prova a renderlo eseguibile:
sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/ofwvlc
altrimenti copia il file nel path corretto "/usr/sbin"
I did some update for you:
I hope you like changes I made :)
Thanks mate! Actually it was meant to support only audio file (albums) But since VLC support almost any format why not implement it!
Updated with your recoding and finnish translation!
Ratings & Comments
I fixed bugs with files being enqueued to current playlist and copied files not being marked as executables. I also added option for adding folder to current playlist. I used Google Translator for "Name[it]=.." so you might have to edit it. Also I'm not very good at english so please check spelling.
Updated! Have a look! Translations were perfect both en either it!
this should be merged with vlc-append or viceversa btw i have seen 2 script one italian and 1 english ???
Did you mean "vlc --append" command or....? If so it's not recognized as a command by version 1.1.12. Version 0.1 of this script had 2 scripts both it either eng. Version 0.2 has fi script too.
I didn't notice there already was a similar app, but i do prefer to take a different branch... However the code is free so you can do whatever you want with it, just in case remember to mention authors for glory!
i just added folder append to my service menu... but i have seen your code :) i didn't use it try to look what i did you could collaborate with me :)
My idea was actually just to have a context menu to easily play folders (music albums) in a click. So my project ends there. It's been improved by nikore90 to play almost any file (Also video). And you merged it with VLC append. What else can we do? :D However yes we can collaborate if there's work to do!
well cleaning code i just did the job but i didn't clean my script then i should fix the language support ... example if you do echo $"message" you can create a po file for translators so you can avoid to create multiple script ... in different languagess
ho caricato i file come descritto ma zu azioni quando seleziono la cartella non appare. uso Aptosid con kde 4.6, noto che copiando il file ofwvlc da root non posso accedergli da utente non root che sia quello il problema?
Prova a fare un reboot, le modifiche al service menu prendono effetto al prossimo login. Se anche così non dovesse funzionare prova a dare questo comando: sudo chmod +x /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/vlc.desktop e dare un giro alla macchina.
a quanto pare al riavvio adesso lo trova però mi dà come immagine che non trova il file ofwvlc perchè ha i permessi di root mentre io uso un altro utente.
mi correggo da utente non root non trova il comando, menter se digito il percorso si. adesso ho modificato il file vlc.desktop vediamo come và :-P
Prova a vedere se hai copiato il file ofwvlc in maniera corretta: ls -ltr /usr/sbin/ofwvlc se il file è presente allora prova a renderlo eseguibile: sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/ofwvlc altrimenti copia il file nel path corretto "/usr/sbin"
adesso funziona gli ho dato un 777 all'eseguibile e corretto il percorso file vlc.desktop non ho problemi-
Prova la 0.3 aggiunge funzionalità (Vedi changelog) e risolve i problemi sui permessi degli scripts!
problema risolto... per me dovresti fare uno script bash che installa il tutto facendoti scegliere la lingua :-)
I did some update for you: I hope you like changes I made :)
Thanks mate! Actually it was meant to support only audio file (albums) But since VLC support almost any format why not implement it! Updated with your recoding and finnish translation!
Btw.. You can replace nikojasiru with nikore90. That's username I use here.