Shredder Service Menu
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Service Menu for shredder function. Uses generic shred command or kgpg command.
Either way, extract and place proper in '~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus' and re-open Konqueror. Comment or email me for improvements.
Updated for KDE4...I hope. Haven't used KDE for a couple years, but I got this request. Let me know how it works.
Thanks to Dr. Pavri for bringing shred command to my attention. The archive now has two files. shred.desktop is for shred command, kgpg-shred.desktop is for kgpg command.
02/15/2006:Thanks to 'pocytac' for adding german support, and choosing a more suitable Icon, IMO. In the past year, I have gotten married, had a kid, bought a house, got a new job, and raised a husky puppy. I know this doesn't require much maintenance, but if I took too long to reply to emails, this is why. Sorry...
01/15/2005:Thanks to Michael Nottebrock for fixing my typo, which was preventing FBSD users from using this. Thanks Michael, also, for the 'cosmetics'.
12/26/2004: Changed discrepancy in name, added 'Type' entry to file; New upload.
12/23/2004 Added French support as per request.
12/20/2004 Created
Ratings & Comments
Hi, thanks for this small but great solution:) i wonder if this would work with kde 4.0 and above too ? or if plan any patch or whatever. thanks again.
New version uploaded. Think it will work for KDE4, but to be honest I haven't used KDE since 4 was out of beta...so IDK. Let me know how it works out.
It works pretty fine. Thank you.
Hi, thans for this small but great solution:) i wonder if this would work with kde 4.0 and above too ? or if plan any patch or whatever. thans again.
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Hi Josh, great menu! I have sent you an email cause i "added" german language to the menu. And I think it should use another Icon. I've set it on my box to the one KGpg uses when you install the shredder on your desktop (at last on my machine it always did) .. Anyway: Great Idea. Thanks for that!
Great job! Like the new icon much more.
Great service menu :) I too was tired of dragging files to the shredder.
Hi! What icon set do you use? Those zip icons look gorgeous!
The iconset is built from the software available here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=13507 I did not design nor do I distribute these icons.
i installed the .desktop file in the right directory. when i right-click on any icon, it gives me the following error: The desktop entry file /home/ash/.kde3.3/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/shred.desktop has an invalid menu entry shred. how am i supposed to fix this?
I've recieved one other report of this error, however have not had the time as of yet to look at it. I will be doing so today, and will upload asap.
Ok changed a few things, not getting any errors of any kind. I was able to replicate and eliminate the error you were getting, and I am also on KDE 3.3... so, see if this works?
sorry, didn't see your reply. yes, the new version works without any glitches. seems the [en] in 'Name' was causing the problem...