- google (images)
- wikipedia
- filmweb.pl (only in PL)
- imdb
- youtube
- napisy.info (only in PL)
- opensubtitles
Languages: english, polish
Please read the file "search-on-icons/how to copy icons to system"!
Sorry for my english

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
-add favicons
-add filmweb.pl, imdb, napisy.info, opensubtitles
-first public version
Ratings & Comments
Hi Michalje, is it possible to show the search dialog in the context menu in kmail too?? regards
Hi, I don't really understand what this does... does it take the filename and search for it on Google? If that's it, why/when would I want to do that? Just wondering.
You can search movies on google, wallpapers from the movie you just watched, or additional pictures of some things, trailer on youtube, etc, etc.