Comic Book Transformer

Dolphin Service Menus

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This KDE4 Service Menu is designed to make more easy the generation of Comic Book files in CBR, CBZ or PDF Formats. Provide options to scale to different resolutions and transform to gray for use in ebooks.


* Convert Images directories to CBR, CBZ, CB7 o PDF files
* Convert CBR, CBZ or CB7 files in PDF
* Convert PDF to CBR, CBZ or CB7
* Transform to gray scale
* Scale to 1024×768, 1024x600, 800×600 or Custom size


Install this packages

* Zip
* Unzip
* Rar
* Unrar
* p7zip
* ImageMagick
Last changelog:

* Progressbar for multi files transform
* Convert pdf to CBR and CBZ
* Scale for tablets 600 x 1024
* Full support for CB7 format
* Custom scale
* Compress files without the directory structure
* New profiles:
* Android Tablet: 800x1280
* Kindle DXG: 824x1200
* Crop Double pages in singel pages
* Fix bug with spaces in directory name for scale options

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I installed this and ran it on a folder but I have no idea where my new cbz file is. Where should they be created?


Should be at the same level in the selected folder. If it is not, the process should have failed, verify that the path and the name of the folder does not have strange characters or blank spaces, is usually the cause most common problems. If this does not solve the issue active the debug mode, edit the cd_servicemenu script, search the line debug = false and change for debug = true This generates the file \/tmp\/cb.log, mandamelo to detect the problem and fix it.


Damn, there are blank spaces in the path in question. I guess I'll just have to use the Compress service menu for creating most of my comic nooks. Thanks for the quick response. CBT looks like a really cool tool to use, and in the process of getting this newest acquisition I discovered I had more comic book files on my hard drive than I realized.


Normally white space should not be a problem, but not always received either :( I have corrected this problem several times. If you can pass me the log debug it to see if I can fix the problem, I would be very grateful.


Ok, now this is really weird. I turned on debuging and tried to create a cbz with options and I didn't see the options window at all, nor do I see the file it created. I also tried making a cbz without options and a straight cbr, all to no effect. The path of the folder I'm working with is /home/bpeng/Music/Pink Floyd/Pink Floyd 1975 Tour Comic book but I copied it to my home folder and renamed the folder to Pink_Floyd_1975_Tour_Comic_book, and it still seems to work but I don't see the file anywhere. Here's the current contents of cbt.log: Quote:

[init CBT] /home/bpeng/bin/cb_servicemenu dir2cbz opt [process] Output Format opt with [end CBT] Transform Ending of 3 comics [init CBT] /home/bpeng/bin/cb_servicemenu dir2cbz def [process] Output Format def with [end CBT] Transform Ending of 3 comics [init CBT] /home/bpeng/bin/cb_servicemenu dir2cbr def [process] Output Format def with [end CBT] Transform Ending of 3 comics [init CBT] /home/bpeng/bin/cb_servicemenu dir2cbz def [process] Output Format def with [end CBT] Transform Ending of 3 comics


Not work rigth. Not [execute] line in the log, probalvy it's a problem with the script loop, i go to work in a solution.


Nice piece of code you've got there. May I suggest a new feature? A 'Kindle DXG optimized profile' would be pretty much appreciated. The dimensions of Kindle comics, by the way, are 824x1200. Keep up the good work!


Me again, with a couple of new suggestions regarding e-book reader optimization for comics: - It'd be much desirable if double pages (the ones with width larger than height) were automaticaly cut in two files. It's way more comfortable to read in tablets/e-book readers (little screens, you know...). - Is this really necessary to create a "tmp/cb_process_xxxxx" structure inside of the generated file? Wouldn't it be cleaner to generate a final cbx file with no subfolders at all? - Is it possible to change the way you're currently labeling the files? I mean... instead of c-01.jpg, c-02-03.jpg, etc, something like '000_00.jpg', 001_00.jpg, 001_01.jpg, etc (so it would perfectly sort compressed files having hundreds of images, as well as the 'double pages' I've refered on the first item). Thank you very much for your attention.


Thanks for your suggestions, I go to study the more easy way to add this features to the scripts for the next release, I hope to have time to do this holiday season. I don't have a kindle to test the result, It's possible to send me one comic for make the test and send you the results?


I've just sent you a couple of files (an original and the converted one) so that you can analyse them, José.


i don't bother with rar and zip, i changed my entire collection over to 7z (cb7). provides better compression with a free open source format. any chance of adding 7z support?


I go to study the best format to add and added in the next release.

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version 1.4.0
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