Ubuntu One Dolphin Plugin

Dolphin Service Menus

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Note: Ubuntu One is stopping as aservice as of June 1st this plugin will be removed at that time see here:


or here:


for more details. It's been fun but this plugin will also be removed as of said date.

A Ubuntu One plugin for KDE's Dolphin file manager

Extract to

Depends on Ruby and Ubuntu One

Run the install script
Last changelog:

<a href="https://github.com/ShaneQful/u1-dolphin/commits/master">https://github.com/ShaneQful/u1-dolphin/commits/master</a>

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"June 1st this plugin will be removed" Did someone forget to remove it?


I use dolphin as default ubuntu 13.04 file manager - (symlink /bin/dolphin to /bin/nautilius) have instaled this ubuntu one client - when i publish and copy link - have link only in system indicator - witchou possible to copy content. And dont have in clipboard so plugin is not usable. How to fix it - can you make fixed version ?


I'll have a look into it after work today.


As I pointed out earlier, there is a bug in the ruby script. (Line line 31 and 32 need to be changed.) Furthermore there can be problems if qt5 is installed (qdbus is not found). This can be resolved using the absolute path /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qdbus. The working version can be found here: http://ubuntuone.com/7GeU1hJicWwNheA61SEtZ5


Hey I'm sorry this wasn't fixed earlier but due to my job I need legal approval for every open source project I contribute to and I haven't got approval for this one yet. I've applied for it and have badgered people about it but I haven't got it yet. However since you were nice enough to fix it for me, thanks btw, I'm fairly sure it won't count as contributing code to upload it to KDE-Apps so it should be fixed as soon as I've uploaded the fixed version and the servers sync up.


Thanks for the quick reply! As for the qt5 bug workaround (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/1177823 or http://askubuntu.com/questions/365644/qdbus-cannot-be-called-in-kubuntu-saucy): keep in mind that my workaround only works for 64bit machines. To make sure the script works architecture independent you have different options: 1.) create two different versions of your plugin (32 and 64 bit). 2.) add a detection function to the ruby script that detects the platform and runs the correct path. 3.) install packages to workaround the problem (not recommended, as this could change soon) I would be happy about feedback, which option you would prefer (my favorite would be option 2). I could fix the problem and provide a link in a comment here for users, until you have permission to apply changes.


The fixed version (architecture independent) can be found here: http://ubuntuone.com/1HnzUN4Amvm48tP1Ji6nC3


Thks a million, you have no idea how much of pain not being able to fix issues has been for me and how much your help is appreciated. When I push this to the github repo what name would you like me to give attribution to in the read me.


Hi, Your script contains a bug: line 31 needs to be changed with line 32: exec "qdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper org.kde.klipper.klipper.setClipboardContents "+url should come after: i.close in order to make copying the URL actually work. You can find the fully working script here: http://pastebin.com/2GV4NUzr


On KDE 4.10, this is copying to the clipboard the file path, and not the UbuntuOne publishing URL. This is the clipboard content that I published just now: file:///home/rael/Downloads/Add group-error.jpg


Although I, for some reason, couldn't install it from the Dolphin settings the manual installation was very straight forward. Just had to get Ruby and after a reboot I was ready to go. Love it!


apturl-kde apt:ruby,ubuntuone-control-panel-qt might be a better option, as it is fully visual and interactive. I had to kill the apt-get process as it was stuck waiting for input on the command line.


Hy, when i start share file send, i see it on ubuntuone web page but i dont have internet link in clipboard, can you add next option copy internet link (in nautilius with ubuntu one we have this important option) thanks !


(i use unity and dolphin)


Hey dude sorry it took me so long to respond been a bit busy. The reason the copy link isn't working is that I'm sending the link to klipper KDE's clipboard and you are using dolphin with unity so aren't using klipper. I'll see if I can find a more cross desktop environmental way of sending it to the clipboard and patch it. If you really need it to work right night try sudo apt-get install xclip then open the file ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/UbuntuOne/ubuntuone.rb and change line 32 from exec "qdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper org.kde.klipper.klipper.setClipboardContents "+url to: exec "echo \""+url+"\" | xclip" I'm going to try and find a way of doing this without adding another dependency but either way I should have a patch out shortly.


ok, thanks


when i instal xclip sometines i have clipboard copy only when select text sometimes when i select and click ctrl+c , how to disable autocopy to clipboard when i select text ?


Just patched it there. I'll add another download option to the inbuilt client for dolphin but if you want it now download it form here https://github.com/ShaneQful/u1-dolphin/tarball/without_kde extract it and run the install script. The other fix I gave you won't work. So use this one or wait for the update.


yes now it work :) thanks


I click on <Synchronize This Folder> and nothing happens. Console shows this:

publish_file /home/valentin/test.file

/home/valentin/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/UbuntuOne/ubuntuone.rb:28:in `[]=': string not matched (IndexError)
        from /home/valentin/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/UbuntuOne/ubuntuone.rb:28:in `publish_file'
        from /home/valentin/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/UbuntuOne/ubuntuone.rb:52


I saw it the first time ;P


Double is accidental.


I click on <Synchronize This Folder> and nothing happens. Console shows this:

publish_file /home/valentin/test.file

/home/valentin/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/UbuntuOne/ubuntuone.rb:28:in `[]=': string not matched (IndexError)
        from /home/valentin/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/UbuntuOne/ubuntuone.rb:28:in `publish_file'
        from /home/valentin/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/UbuntuOne/ubuntuone.rb:52


Hey dude. It looks like the folder menu is calling the files menu because Synchronize folder doesn't require the ruby script. I don't know why it would be happening unless you system is confusing the MIME file types. Try updating the app inside of dolphin and if that doesn't work. Let me know what distro your running and if you have made any major changed to it and I'l try debug the issue.


It's mistake. Not "Synchronize..." but "Publish and Copy Web Link". I forgot to write about system, it's kUbuntu 12.04 + KDE 4.9 (PPA). Version of app is latest.

0 Affiliates
version Version 2.1.5
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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