Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Simple service menu that show the mediainfo about the selected media.
It uses mediainfo tool (http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/), usually shipped with the maior distros.
Two menus:
-full mediainfo with all the information provided by mediainfo
-short mediainfo with the main information
INSTALL: directly through Dolphin settings or put the file in your servicemenu path (to find it type in konsole "kde4-config --path services") Last changelog:
It uses mediainfo tool (http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/), usually shipped with the maior distros.
Two menus:
-full mediainfo with all the information provided by mediainfo
-short mediainfo with the main information
INSTALL: directly through Dolphin settings or put the file in your servicemenu path (to find it type in konsole "kde4-config --path services")
0.6 - suggestion added (basename in dialog title)
0.5 - bug on html output fixed
0.4 - new function: generate TXT|HTML
0.3 - suggestion added (html output)
0.2 - suggestion added
0.1 - first release
Ratings & Comments
Add the info to Information Panel, please
Can't seem to get it to work on Plasma 5.12.5. Using Dolphin 17.12.3. I have mediainfo dowloaded and the context menu entries are listed in 'services' in the settings menu. But when I right click an mp3 file, the entries aren't there.
Found out that it was a bug with file indexing. After disabling it the entries pop up. However now when I click on 'get media info' or 'short media' the window never appears and only an icon appears in the task manager for a moment, then disappears.
This plugin is broken, I will reach out to the KDE admins to exclude this entry from the dolphin service download dialog.
https://www.pling.com/p/1418250/ is a version that works with KDE 5
9 TY!
How bout you add image/* in ServiceTypes and instead of -title "Info about %u" you could have -title "Info about `basename %u`" so as to not show the whole path in the title.
suggestion added!
May be use "--inform=" option is better?
on my system (chakra linux) the --Inform parameter doesn't work.. mediainfo --Inform=Video;%duration% myvideo.mkv output: bash: fg: %Duration%: no such job Am i wrong?
mediainfo --Inform=General\;%Duration% file.mkv or mediainfo --Inform="General;%Duration%" file.mkv
thank you! now it works! this WE i'll take a look to your suggestion!
ok, after a few tests i decided to not use --Inform. It needs an extra file as a template, but since i want to keep this servicemenu as simple as possible i'm not going to implement it. The main reason is that i want to make this servicemenu installable from dolphin: if you know a way for it please tell me.
Thanks ! There is just a mistake in the HTML output, as it creates a file with ".txt" extension. One just needs to change "-LogFile=%u.txt" into "-LogFile=%u.html", in the "[Desktop Action getHTML]" section.
thank you! i've missed the notification of your comment
Following the link shows me only an older version without the export items
I've created a simple bash script which fixes the alignment. If someone wants to try it out drop me a message.
the easy way: $(mediainfo --Output=HTML %u)
# kalganov your suggestion will be added as soon as possibile!
Good idea and very useful.
For newbies (like me) copy the file within: ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/ Thanks for your work.
and for all users (not only the current user) copy the file within: /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/ My system is Kubuntu 11.04 (could be different in others)