Please note that this service menu only works for files which are in your Dropbox Public directory. The reason for this is that only files in the Public directory have a public URL

Klipper needs to be running in order for the "Copy Public URL to Klipper" option to work.
1. chmod 755
2. ./
The installation works by downloading the Dropbox python CLI from the Dropbox servers. It then copies the python CLI, the service menu and the icon to their required locations.
The installation is based on the assumption that your Dropbox folder is ~/Dropbox. If this is not the case, then edit and dropbox.desktop to reflect your Dropbox folder.
Ratings & Comments
hi, thx for this servicemenu, i started using dropbox today and your work is really helpful. I changed / added two things to fit my needs: 1. I added a third servicemenu entry which copys a file to my public folder. [Desktop Action copyFileToPublic] Name=Copy File to Public Folder Exec=`cp %u ~/daten/dropbox/Dropbox/Public/` But this needs to be edited after installing cause the path depends on the user. 2. i changed the installation script a bit either. Like this: cp ~/.dropbox/; I think this is the better place to store that script. :) Maybe you find my suggestions/changes helful. Thx again
is it possible using the python cli to get the status of files. it would be nice if it could display the enblem like in gnome but i would settle for just bring up konsole showing the status of all the files in the dirctory
thanks for this no more going to the site for the public URL or adding stuff 2 my pulbic folder than having to use my macbook to get the URL
IMHO you can add also icons this way: Quote:[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Action getPublicURL]
Name=Get Public URL
Exec=kdialog --msgbox "`python ~/Dropbox/ puburl %u`"
[Desktop Action copyPublicURL]
Name=Copy Public URL to Klipper
Exec=dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.kde.klipper /klipper org.kde.klipper.klipper.setClipboardContents string:"`python ~/Dropbox/ puburl %u`"
if someone knows how can be very useful that this menu is shown only when the path of the selected file/folder starts with the public dir path.
Is there a way to implement the file status in the icon of the files? and second question: a way to show this menu only when i select a file/folder within the dropbox? That's the thing nautilus, mac and windows offers - would be great to get something her. I googled after this - there seems to be many people outside looking for an KDE solution.
Hi :) Yes, getting the status of a file is definitely an option and will appear in the next version. As for only having the menu show up for dropbox items, I'm not sure if that is possible given that dropbox-servicemenu-kde is a KDE service menu and thus is limited by the Desktop Entry specification [1]. If someone can suggest a way to do this I will be more than happy to implement it. Also, in the next version the following features could possibly be implemented: - get dropbox status - stop the dropbox service - start the dropbox service - get the status of an individual file - get the status of all files Please let me know which features you would like to see and I'll do my best to get them into the next version and release that version as soon as possible. [1]
considerably good job,I add this to my blog too
good idea,but trouble in sidux : dve@siduxbox:~$ /home/dve/dropbox-servicemenu-kde/ --2009-11-12 19:40:31-- Risoluzione di Connessione a||:443... connesso. HTTP richiesta inviata, in attesa di risposta... 302 FOUND Posizione: [segue] --2009-11-12 19:40:44-- Risoluzione di Connessione a||:80... connesso. HTTP richiesta inviata, in attesa di risposta... 200 OK Lunghezza: 91126 (89K) [application/octet-stream] Salvataggio in: "" 100%[======================================>] 91.126 2,25K/s in 51s 2009-11-12 19:41:44 (1,75 KB/s) - "" salvato [91126/91126] cp: impossibile fare stat di `dropbox.desktop': No such file or directory dve@siduxbox:~$ Any idea? :D
Ah yes, the problem is that you're running the install script from your home directory when the dropbox.desktop file is in the dropbox-servicemenu-kde directory. To fix, cd into the dropbox-servicemenu-kde directory and then rerun the script. For you this would be: cd /home/dve/dropbox-servicemenu-kde/ ./ Let me know if it works :)
Work!!! thanks so much sir !! I run to you advertising on my blog, is a good application thanks again sorry for my poor english :D
Great! Glad to hear that I could be of assistance :)
First, let me thank you for this - it is a shame to have to load half of gnome just to have that little dropbox icon in the systray. So, thanks. The way this is implemented in Nautilus, though, looks a bit better to me. In nautilus you have a 'copy public link', and it goes directly to the clipboard, rather than appearing through a dialog. I think this could be an easy improvement
Thanks Rod :) I have implemented the function that you suggested. It needs Klipper to be running to work though. Enjoy!
There is no need to load half Gnome to have the dropbox icon in the system tray. Just follow this tutorial: BTW: this is starting to be a nice app, I hope it improves and integrates more functions soon.
Thanks for the heads up Sciamano72 :) Could you perhaps suggest some of the improvements and functions you would like to see integrated?
Well, for example the undelete ("View Previous Versions") option that Nautilus has...
Okay... Currently dropbox-servicemenu-kde functions only as a wrapper around the official Dropbox python CLI. The CLI provides the following functions: status - get current status of the dropboxd help - provide help puburl - get public url of a file in your dropbox stop - stop dropboxd start - start dropboxd filestatus - get current sync status of one or more files ls - list directory contents with current sync status So any of those functions could easily be implemented. I'm considering writing a complete KDE version of the nautilus interface over the Christmas holidays but that is still on the cards ;)
I know, I was not complaining, just saying what I would like to see! :) If you really make a KDE version of the Nautilus interface, I think most of the KDE community will love you :)
I didn't see it as complaining in any way :) I like the feedback and always like to hear how I can improve things... Yes, I'm sure the KDE community would be very happy...I will see what I can do ;) Watch this space!