Simple Send as Attachment with Kmail
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

4.0.5 - Tested with KDE 4.7.2
4.041 - Added Spanish and Brazil translations
4.04 - Added Czech translation ** MOVED TO CURRENT VERSION GITHUB REPO **
4.03 - Added Portuguese and Polish translations.
4.02 - Added French and German translations.
4.01 - Changed version number, added multiple files and multiple languages for menu. Thanks to the people who submitted these great ideas.
0.01 - First version, and probably last
Ratings & Comments
here you go config file with polish http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BZ9FIRK7
That file and the translations in it are not for this desktop action.
test report: =) Hi guys, this "workoaround" works perfect in Fedora 15 with KDE 4.6.3 ! Thanks !!!!
Here is Czech translation: Name[cz]=Odeslat soubor e-mailem
gkdeb & alvarenga - I've included your translations. Thanks!
Brazilian Portuguese translation: Name[pt_BR]=Enviar arquivo como anexo Thanks!
I'm not sure is this a distro-specific, but in Mandriva I already have sendmail.desktop file located at /usr/share/kde4/services. The difference is that it couldn't send multiple files. So, Mandriva users could just replace an [Exec] string with the provided solution. (You will need root access for this) Thanks, it's really a nice and useful hack.
Yeah, this feature was missing :) Just a minor update, my french translation : Quote:Name=Send File As Attachment
Name[en]=Send File As Attachment
Name[fr]=Envoyer le fichier en pièce jointe
(UTF8 encoding...)
German: Name[de]=Datei als Anhang versenden
Thanks - I'll include this on the next update.
A good service menu, simple and effective. Here is the portuguese translation: Quote:Name[pt]=Enviar por correio-e
Thanks - I'll include this in the next update :)
I can't believe this isn't included "out of the box". Cheers.
I'm not sure where it got lost in the shuffle. Service menus are underrated in how much they change usability.
Seconded, this should be a standard feature. Excellent enhancement, thanks.
(First, sorry for my doublepost.) I made some changes to your ServiceMenu and now it can attach several files. [Desktop Entry] Type=Service Actions=openKmailAttachment; Encoding=UTF-8 ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin,all/allfiles ExcludeServiceTypes=application/x-iso,kdedevice/*,inode/directory [Desktop Action openKmailAttachment] Exec=kmail --composer --attach %F `echo attachment=\'file://%F\' | sed 's/ \//,file:\/\/\//g'` Name=Send File As Attachment Name[sk]=Poslať e-mailom X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=desktop_kdebase Icon=kmail --- This menu for Thunderbird helped me: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Thunderbird+Service+Menu?content=19328
Great improvements. Multiple files is a great little hack.
Great, this is what I've been looking for! Please let me describe how I installed it on Kubuntu 10.04 (probably the same way on other KDE distributions): 1. Go to /home/my_name/.kde/share/kde4/services/ 2. Create empty text file "SendAttach.desktop" or similar name with extension .desktop 4. Copy text from yours Service menu and Paste it to this file. 5. Start Dolphin and use it !-) Thank you very much.
Great, this is what I've been looking for! Please let me describe how I installed it on Kubuntu 10.04 (probably the same way on other KDE distributions): 1. Go to /home/my_name/.kde/share/kde4/services/ 2. Create empty text file "SendAttach.desktop" or similar name with extension .desktop 4. Copy text from yours Service menu and Paste it to this file. 5. Start Dolphin and use it !-) Thank you very much.