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Inspired by this ( idea on supporting the TV-Out on Nvidia Cards I made a small Service Menu to view videos on TV.

You are able to select between Xine and Mplayer (they and X have to be in your Path otherwise edit the Service Menu File).

Copy the file 'view_on_tv.desktop' to ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/ (only you will be able to use this Service Menu) or to /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/ (depends on your KDE Installation and needs root permissions but all users are able to use the Service Menu).

Thanks go to Markus Iofcea for the idea.
Visit to see how it works (only german).

Update: Angel Luis Jimenez Martinez mailed me that it would be a good idea to kill the X-Server after finishing watching on TV. It's quite simple and a similar solution was on the website shown above. The only reason I didn't implement it into the service menu was that it didn't work for me. But maybe someone else has more luck with it.

Just open the service menu file with an editor and change the following two lines:

Exec=/bin/sh -c "X -screen TV :1 -ac & sleep 2; DISPLAY=:1 xine -f -g %U; ps ax|grep 'X -screen TV'|cut -f 1 -d' '|xargs kill"

Exec=/bin/sh -c "X -screen TV :1 -ac & sleep 2; DISPLAY=:1 mplayer -fs -vo xv -zoom -really-quiet %U; ps ax|grep 'X -screen TV'|cut -f 1 -d' '|xargs kill"

As a goodie I made an desktop icon for the DVD-drive to view DVDs and (S)VCDs directly on TV. It's in the [download]. The only problem with it is that some paths are hardcoded in it. So you have to edit it and use your correct paths to get it to work.

Have fun with it.

Maybe someone can help me out with a way to create an icon with the correct paths of the system or a service menu specially for this kind of ServiceType?

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[Desktop Entry] Type=Service Version=2.3 Encoding=UTF-8 Icon=mplayer Actions=ViewOnTvMplayer ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin,all/allfiles X-KDE-Priority=TopLevel X-KDE-Submenu=Am Fernseher ansehen X-KDE-Submenu[de]=Am Fernseher ansehen #X-KDE-Submenu[xx]=Your string 'xx' is the country abbreviation [Desktop Action ViewOnTvMplayer] Exec=/bin/sh -c "X -screen TV :1 -ac & sleep 2; DISPLAY=:0.1 mplayer -fs -vo xv -zoom -really-quiet %U; ps ax|grep 'X -screen TV'|cut -f 1 -d' '|xargs kill" Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/mplayer/mplayer_32x32.png Name=MPlayer Name[de]=MPlayer [Desktop Entry] Type=Service Version=2.3 Encoding=UTF-8 Icon=vlc Actions=ViewOnTvvlc ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin,all/allfiles X-KDE-Priority=TopLevel X-KDE-Submenu=Am Fernseher ansehen X-KDE-Submenu[de]=Am Fernseher ansehen #X-KDE-Submenu[xx]=Your string 'xx' is the country abbreviation [Desktop Action ViewOnTvvlc] Exec=/bin/sh -c "X -screen TV :1 -ac & sleep 2; DISPLAY=:0.1 vlc %U; psax|grep 'X -screen TV'|cut -f 1 -d' '|xargs kill" Icon=vlc Name=vlc Name[de]=vlc


wget Extract to: ~/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/ or ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/ (you have to replace paths at scripts) Take a look at my modifications. Basic idea is to turn tv output by replacing xorg.conf file on and create desktop entry to users Desktop for turning off tv output. * tv-on-xorg.conf file is MY xorg.conf file with tv output and * tv-off-xorg.conf file is MY xorg.conf file without tv output and * REPLACE THESE FILES WITH YOUR OWN xorg.conf FILES Some bugs: - Dosn't work if u have whitespaces on video clip path. works at kubuntu 7.10 (i don't see reason why dosen't work at 7.04)


Hi there, You can add a shortcut to the "Actions"-menu very easily - Run these commands: Adding a Kaffeine entry: Quote:

Adding an Mplayer entry: Quote:
Applying above entries: Quote:
cp TV-*.desktop ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/
This will add the shortcut! - You don't even have to restart anything :D


i have done it with an old ati card (radeon 7500) but i have a problem with the service menu... the command from the website is working if i start it in a bash but if i try to use the service menu only the X-server starts... the problem is that i cant use it with mplayer or xine because they don't work with my grafic drivers.. so i have to take vlc ... but as i said it isn't realy working... could someone post a version with a working vlc ?


Hi, is there some idea how this made on ATI video card?


I have been trying is on a Ati card with some succes, it's should possible but you have to tweak it a bit from the nvidea version. the basics should be the same good luck


Hello, nice script, but I'd like to modify it such that I have only one entry that plays it with MPlayer. I just commented the second entry out, but now I have "Actions - View on TV - MPlayer". How could I modify the script so that I have only ONE entry "Actions - View on TV" that I have to click? (without this submenu containing MPlayer and Xine) Tom


I'd appreciate being able to do this, as well.


Hello, great work, but on my Maschine it only works as Root :-( So, how can i make it work for a normal User? (the start of the second X-Server fails)


[Desktop Entry] ServiceTypes=video/* Actions=ViewOnTV [Desktop Action ViewOnTV] Name=View on TV Name[de]=Auf Fernseher anschauen Icon=tv Exec=kanotix-su "X -screen TV :1 -ac & sleep 2; DISPLAY=:1 mplayer -fs -vo xv -zoom -really-quiet '%U'; ps ax|grep 'X -screen TV'|cut -f 1 -d' '|xargs kill"


sry, this post was intended as a reply for the user elektrohirn (post below)


On my system (Arch Linux), the server is not killed with the above command. For some reason the ps list has a space as the first character, making cut find just a blank. Going for the second space fixes it though: Exec=/bin/sh -c "X -screen TV :1 -ac & sleep 2; DISPLAY=:1 xine -f -g %U; ps ax|grep 'X -screen TV'|grep -v grep|cut -f 2 -d' '|xargs kill" The "grep -v grep" is to stop it from finding itself :)


Instead of starting the X server, sleep-ing, starting the app etc... you can use the startx script. startx /usr/bin/xine arg1 arg2 -- --layout TV :1 Xarg3 Xarg4 ...


Hello again Cellardoor, Thanks to the links that you’ve send, I know how to have 2 independent desktops (one on TV and one on CRT) and play a movie on TV while keep working on CRT (without enabled Xinerama). But the disadvantage of this solution is that there are 2 times more resources needed from the moment I start X. So for a moment I either have to have 2 parallel desktops or I have to restart X with another config, each time I want to watch a movie (which is not very convenient.) Ideally it would be to start second screen on demand just like in example of yours, but without turning off CRT, and then turn off the second screen when movie is finished. Is it possible?


If you look at the description under *update* you will find a solution for this. It kills the second X-Server after finishing xine (or mplayer). It works on many Systems but not on mine (so I didn't implement it directly in the script). Another way is to kill the second X-Server with ctrl-alt-backspace. This will free the resources it uses too and return to the first one.


Ups, it's too early in the morning for me. I haven't read your post exactly. I don't know of any way to only switch on/off a second X-Server on demand but if I'll find one I will tell you.


OK I'm waiting. ;) and by the way, in the desktop icon for DVD/(S)VCDs I repalced: /dev/hdd with /dev/cdrom and /mnt/dvd with /mnt/cdrom and it works just fine and should be more universal (at least in slackare 9.1 which I am using)


I play my Videos on TV with CRT switched on. The key is X11's Xinerama view mode. On the first display there is my Flatpanel with the KDE desktop on it. On the 2nd display the TV. It works great. there is only one thing that really that sucks. I'v to stop X and restart it with a diferent config File.(because regulary i don't work with enabled Xinerama enviroment).


Don't you have this tearing problem mentioned here: I wasn't able to use Xinerama because of this. Even the solution with switching screens didn't help because my virtual consoles were unusable afterwards.


Is it posible to set this up so that the CRT keeps runnning while the video is running in fullscreen on the TV? I want to be able to work on my computer while, the video is playing on my TV.


There have been many discussions on about this problem (even the last post here was about it). Maybe this thread can help you: If you use this solution you have to edit the Service Menu file to fit to it.


Hi, I want to know: How this service menu is supposed to work? I have GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x with TVout and playing with XF86Config I managed to have 3 different outputs of using your service menu: 1) CRT is switched off and a movie is played fullscreen on my TV 2) Both on CRT and TV a movie is played fullscreen 3) Only on CRT movie is played fullscreen and TV is blank. I'm looking for the forth one (under Win32 it is possibile): 4) the movie is played fullscreen on TV and CRT (or LCD) can be used to work with my PC. this one would be the coolest one. Does some one know how to to it??


When you follow the instructions on the page I posted you'll see the Video Fullscreen on TV with CRT switched off. In my opinion the best solution. The 4th solution you would prefer is possible, but there are some problems with it: The first display in your XF86Config-4 always gets the Video Overlay. If the first display is your CRT it controls the Overlay and a Video played on TV at the same time will show some annoying tearing in horizontal scrolls. You can select your TV as first display but then your login will be on TV and I don't think you want this. Finally I found a solution for selecting TV as first display and having the login on the CRT. Iwas able to view Videos in good Quality on TV while working on my CRT. The only Problem was that switching to the console showed a totally destroyed screen. Even after finishing X-Server I wasn't able to see anything on my CRT. If you're interested in this solution I posted my XF86Config-4 here: Take a look at it maybe it's useful for you.


Hello, I tried your program in order to use the TV out function of my nvidia geforce fx5200, but it doesn't work! i have installed the necessary drivers from nvidia, but it still wouldn't show anything on my tv screen. Any sollution?


Have you looked at this page: It describes how to modify your XF86Config-4 in order to use TV-Out. Unfortunately it's only in German. Only if you setup your system as described above the Service Menu will work.

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