Dropbox ServiceMenu

Dolphin Service Menus

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Dropbox ServiceMenu is a servicemenu which allows easy access to most of Dropbox features. It uses Dropbox CLI to generate public urls, and pyndexer to allow sharing directories in public folder.

* Copy Public URL to clipboard
* Share folder (via web browser)
* Copy file/directory to public folder and paste the URL to clipboard
* Move file/directory to public folder and paste the URL to clipboard
* Support for sharing directories in public folder using pyndexer ( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/552/pyndexer/index.html )
* Send generated public url via default email client and GMail (via webbrowser)
* View previous versions of file (via web browser)
* Encrypt directory listing with password (only works for directories in public folder)
* Automatic detection of Dropbox directory path

1. Copy .desktop files to ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/
2. Copy content of dropbox-script to your $PATH - e.g. /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin

or run installation script (it will install scripts and .desktop files in ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus):

or if you're running Fedora:
1. Install following RPM http://magnu5.fedorapeople.org/repo/magnu5-1.0-1.fc13.noarch.rpm
2. Now run following command: su -c 'yum install dropbox-servicemenu'

Thanks to Magnus Tuominen for providing Fedora RPMs.

or if you're running openSUSE:
You can install dropbox-servicemenu from KDE:Extras repository.

Additional dependencies:
- dropbox
- klipper
- kdialog
- sqlite3
- python
- python-m2crypto (required for encrypting directory listing)
- xdg-utils
- uudecode (can be found in sharutils package)
- recode
- perl

Currently translated to following languages:
Fully translated: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)

Not fully translated: (.desktop files, dropbox_menu_translations.sh): Portuguese, Turkish

if you want to translate this servicemenu then feel free to contact me via private message.

KNOWN ISSUES: This servicemenu requires python2. If your distro uses python3 as main python binary then this servicemenu won't work. In order to make it work you'll have to do some "sed magic" e.g. sed 's/python/python2/g' on dropbox_menu.sh and .py scripts, assuming that your distro provides python version 2 as python2.
Last changelog:

- Danish translation updated thanks to Ole Holm Frandsen

- Support for Dropbox client >= 1.2
- Dropbox folder location is now determined by get_dropbox_folder.sh (written by Andrew Scheller)
- Dropbox-servicemenu now requires uudecode (can be found in sharutils package), recode and perl to be installed
- Shareable links support removed (currently i do not know how to get the user key from dropbox database)

- Dutch translation added thanks to Ruben Van Laerhoven

- Hungarian translation added thanks to Akos Toth

- German translation updated thanks to Felix Mauch
- Portuguese translation updated thanks to Ricardo Fernandes

- Fix python dependency check
- Removed xdg-open dependency check (KDE depends on xdg-utils, so it shouldn't be necessary)

- Added dependencies check

- Russian translation updated thanks to Stanislav Kosolapov

- Lithuanian translation updated thanks to Donatas G.

- Spanish translation updated thanks to Axel

- Italian translation updated - thanks to NevidS Sogaro

- German translation updated - thanks to Felix Mauch
- Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) translation added - thanks to Ray Chen

- Italian translation updated - thanks to NevidS Sogaro
- Czech translation updated - thanks to Pavel Fric
- French translation updated - thanks to Samuel Girard

- Add support for dropbox's new sharing model (dropbox 0.8 or higher required) - http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=21441&replies=155
- Merge "Copy public URL to klipper" with dropbox's new sharing model - if you use dropbox 0.8 or higher then you can generate public links for directories and files outside your Public folder

- Second attempt to make this servicemenu compatible with KHNS - scripts are now placed in servicemenu directory, install script doesn't require user interaction

- Spanish translation updated - thanks to Omar Campagne Polaino

- Removed wrong line in previous version thus "copy file to public.." was broken

- First attempt to make this servicemenu compatible with KHNS

- Small bugfix

- Use freedesktop notifications instead of kdialog, should be less obtrusive - feel free to share your opinions about this (is it better or worse?)
- Move script translations to separate file

- German translation updated

Ratings & Comments



9 TY!


I modified some pathes and scripts for KDE 5, You can try to see if it's useful. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6331820/ServiceMenus4KDE5-0.0.1.tar.gz


I have installed this last pasckage and the menu appears normally but since Public folders are not an option for free users, without and update it's not quite as useful. Hope we will see an update cause it's a very good feature to have.


To fix get_dropbox_folder.sh, you need prepend some line to get_dropbox_folder function: ... function get_dropbox_folder { if [ -f "$HOME/.dropbox/info.json" ]; then DROPBOX_FOLDER=$(grep -P -o -w '(?<="path"\: ")[^\"]+' $HOME/.dropbox/info.json) return fi ...


Dropbox dropped support for public folders back in 2012 so if you have a dropbox account created after that then the ability to create links in the service menu doesn't work. If you try the error "You can generate public URL only for files and directories that are in your dropbox public folder" is generated. When are we likely to see an update to the servicemenu that will address this issue? - it has been a few years now.


Interested as well


I am not very technical so am struggling to follow instructions for installing this Dropbox service. I presume a Dropbox folder is meant to appear within the Home folder when installation is complete. I don't have one, I think I need some more detailed, but simple instructions....


Dropbox 2.11 the experimental version is rewritten in Qt5 plz be ready to update this app, only thing that working now with this version is "generate public url" :D


You just need to edit as sudo your dropbox-menu.sh. Mine is located at /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/dropbox-scripts/dropbox-menu.sh. Search this line (line 37 in my system): dropbox_path=`${SCRIPTS_PATH}get_dropbox_folder.sh` And change it to: dropbox_path="$HOME/Dropbox" Seems like Dropbox changed something and broke get_dropbox_folder.sh file, and when you try to move and generate public URL tries to move to /Public instead of ~/Dropbox/Public/ Please note this is just a workaround. If your Dropbox folder is not located in your home directory, just point to the correct path. Probably is better explained here: http://chakraos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=82217#p82217


I did this change, and copying/moving works, but generating public URL not. It says: "Couldn't get public URL. Unknown Error". It has worked for me before. I'm have Dropbox version 1.6.2.


Found the reason for this. Forgot my Dropbox -dir is actually a symlink to real dir. I changed that as dropbox_path and now it works. I just can't "generate URL" if I go to Public -dir via symlink.


Just tried to send a link from the public folder. But it doesn´t work https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/267665308/PCLinuxOS.pdf leads to an Dropbox error page. Sharing links with "caja" (Mate File-manager) works : https://www.dropbox.com/s/d6h7mhb0k6fj0oe/PCLinuxOS.pdf look at the different ULR Bernd


The public url functionality is gone at least in Kubuntu 13:10 (and perhaps even in lower version) because of this problem: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=320623 Could you look into it?


Hi, i'm having problems with this software. Everytime i try to use it appears this error. kde4-config is installed, but he's trying `kde4-config. I can't link it because the shell don't execute the command. It's a bug? how can i solve it?


(Maybe too late for you, but for everyone, who has the same problem) Just edit the *.desktop files in ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/ replace 'kde4-config --localprefix' by ~./kde (The script tries to tell the kde service directory using kde4-config). Also, you have to copy dropbox-script to ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/ (The installation instructions are wrong!!)


Hi, I just installed this and it works really well! One thing I noticed though is that only files in the public folder can get their urls. However, as of a few months or so ago, Dropbox has allowed users to get links for any file, in the public folder or not. Is there a chance this is going to be implemented? Thanks!


Hi, if someone wants an Ubuntu package, here it is: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1343895/katelatexplugin-0.4.1-Linux.deb Works on 12.04.


Oups, wrong thread! Very sorry.


I continually get the error "You can generate public URL only for files and directories that are in your Dropbox Public folder." The file in question is in the Dropbox Public folder. Kubuntu 12.04


I did discover that if I use the "Move to public folder and..." option, it moves the file (overwrites the original" and generates a correct URL. Seems the problem lies with the location detector bit.


I continually get the error "You can generate public URL only for files and directories that are in your Dropbox Public folder." The file in question is in the Dropbox Public folder. Kubuntu 12.04


Hey great job this service menu, but seems there are changings on Dropbox website. If i rightclick on a folder in Dolphin that is shared and select "Dropbox / Share this folder..." then i get a 404 on the Dropbox Website. The url that will be opened: https://www.dropbox.com/share_existing/path/to/shared/folder You can rightclick on the Dropbox try icon and click on "Open Dropbox Folder", nautilus will start. Then you can also click on the shared folder and use "Share this folder.." and get to this url "https://www.dropbox.com/home/path/to/shared/folder" and the share option dialog will be automatically started.. Hpe this can help to improve Dolphin Dropbox ServiceMenu ;) Regards thomi


I also get this error - it would be good if somebody fixed this problem.


The solution is easy: 1) Edit the installed dropbox_menu.sh file with a Text Editor. My favorite is nano on the command line. 2) Look for the only text instance of "share_existing" (without the quotes) and replace it with "home" (again without the quotes) 3) Save the file with the original name and permissions. 4) You're done :)


Thank you for this! I've been using KDE and Dropbox for so long I forgot entirely about the possibility of integration with Dolphin.

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version 0.16.1
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