Root Actions Servicemenu

Dolphin Service Menus

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Version: 2.9.1
KDE Applications 17.04 release has disabled running kate (and dolphin) as root.

I'm looking into using sudoedit in the menu, but unfortunately it's a bit trickier than I would have thought mainly because it's not trivial to use a graphical password dialog with sudoedit within the menu script (without external helpers).

Hopefully I'll come up with a workable solution, but cannot give a definite time line.

And there's nothing I can do about dolphin (there's currently no work arounds for it like there is for kate).

- You need to have "ruby" installed for Automatic installation to work
- Make sure you get the latest version, the automatic download from dolphin seems to download a really old version (2.7.3) for some mysterious reason. Manual download from kde-apps/kde-look will guarantee you'll get the latest version.

- From version 2.8 onwards, Root Actions only supports KDE4 or later...Files from version 2.7.3 are included in the package for KDE3 users.
- My mail address can be found in the README file in the package if you wish to contact me for translations or feedback (You can of course also post a comment here)
- I can't test the menu on KDE3 anymore, so I can't guarantee the menu works 100% on KDE3
- Full Kf5 support is work in progress, but the menu should work on kf5 as is.


Root Actions servicemenu provides a convenient way to perform several actions 'as root', from the right-click context menu in KDE filemanagers.

It aims to be distribution agnostic, if you experience issues in your distribution, drop me an email describing the issue.

The menu needs a properly configured kdesu/kdesudo to work (kdesudo is preferred, for some added functionality, like remembering password for a period of time...timeout is configurable by sudo settings)

Any comments, criticism and improvement suggestions welcomed

Included in the download are .desktop file versions for KDE3 konqueror, KDE3 dolphin, KDE4 and KF5 (both konqueror and dolphin) and an importable user action xml file for krusader KDE4...see installation for details.


I've dropped version 1.x from the package since 2.x is stable and can do a lot more than 1.x. If you're still interested in the 1.x version, drop me a mail and I'll send it to you.

Thanks to:
Stefan Majewsky - German translation (1.1.x and 2.x)
Pierre Buard - French translation (1.1.x)
Guillaume Millet &
Jean-Marc Detourmignies - French translation (2.x)
Alessio - Italian translation (1.1.x)
Massimo Pissarello - Italian translation (2.x)
João Pedro Gomes - Portuguese translation (2.x)
Viruscg - Brazilian Portuguese translation (1.1.x amd 2.x partial)
Eduardo Grau - Spanish translation (1.1.x and 2.x)
Kenny Verstraete - Dutch translation (1.1.x and 2.x)
Paul Körössy - Hungarian translation (2.x)
nikt_taki - Polish translation (2.x)
Andreas Nordal - Norwegian translation (2.x)
Jakub Matas - Czech translation (2.x)
Donatas Glodenis - Lithuanian translation (2.x)
Mladen Pejaković - Serbian translation (2.x)
Netrebin Alexey - Russian translation (2.x)
Cihat Imamoglu - Turkish translation (2.x)
Manuel Tortosa Moreno - Catalan translation (2.x)
Neo Tet - Greek translation (2.x)
Adrián Chaves Fernández - Galician translation (2.x)
Mihael Simonič - Slovene translation (2.x)
Niklas Åkerström - Swedish translation (2.x)
Maz_1 - Simplified Chinese (2.x)

Essential: (these should already be installed on a standard KDE installation)
perl -the script is written in perl
kdesu | kdesudo -to gain administrative privileges
kdialog -to show dialogs
kreadconfig -to read kde configuration
dolphin | konqueror -filemanager
kwrite | kate -editor
ark -handles compression

krename -for multiple file (batch) renaming
krusader -to use the included krusader actions
xdg-utils -for default application support (2.5.x-)


Some distributions have packages available in either their main repos or community repos. For easy installation and possible distro specific patches you can use them if available. Manual installation instructions below:

Version 2.3 ->
1. Uncompress the script in Root_Actions_2.x to a directory in your $PATH. /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin are two valid options. Make the script executable (if it's not).

2a. (Konqueror for KDE3) Uncompress the three .desktop files in /konqueror-KDE3 to ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus (This will enable the menu for individual users, if you wish to enable the menu for all users, copy the files to /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus instead).

2b. (Dolphin for KDE3) Uncompress the two .desktop files in /dolphin-KDE3 to ~/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus (This will enable the menu for individual users, if you wish to enable the menu for all users, copy the files to /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus instead).

2c. (Dolphin and Konqueror for KDE4) Uncompress the two .desktop files in /dolphin-KDE4 to your kde4 servicemenu folder (possibly ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus...although $KDEHOME [".kde"] can be something else in your distribution). If you wish to use konqueror instead of dolphin as your filemanager, edit 10-rootactionsfolders.desktop by changing 'dolphin' to 'konqueror'.

2d. (Dolphin and Konqueror for Kf5) Copy the two .desktop files in /dolphin-KDE4 to your kf5 servicemenu folder (likely ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus). If you wish to use konqueror instead of dolphin as your filemanager, edit 10-rootactionsfolders.desktop by changing 'dolphin' to 'konqueror'.

2e. (Krusader for KDE4) Import krusader_rootactions.xml file in /krusader-KDE4 with krusader's action manager.

----Available Actions----------------------------------------------------------------

Version 2.x
- Open Terminal Here (folders) - open a root terminal session in chosen folder
- Open in File Manager (folders) - open chosen folder(s) in file manager
- Open as Text (files) - open chosen folder(s) in text editor
- Open With ... (both) - open chosen items in a program of your choice

- Copy (both) - copy a single file or folder (ADDED in 2.1)
- Move/Rename (both) - if multiple items selected and a batch renamer installed (default is krename) start renamer, otherwise use a simple move/rename dialog
- Compress (both) - Compress selected files/folders (ADDED in 2.7)
- Delete (both) - Completely removes chosen items (as this is potentially hazardous, there is an extra confirmation dialog), handy for removing back-up files etc.

- Ownership to Root (both) - change ownership of chosen items to root:root
- Ownership to Active User (both) - change ownership of chosen items to current user
- Ownership to ... (both) - change ownership of chosen items to UID:GID of your choice

- Change Permissions (both) - change permissions of chosen items
If only a single folder is selected, permissions/ownership can be set recursively. If changing permissions recursively, files are only set executable if they already are executable (Otherwise all files in a directory would be set executable if the parent folder is set executable, which is necessary for the folder to be accessible)

----Translating and customizing:-----------------------------------------------------

Read the README file in the package for instructions on translating and customizing the menu


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
Last changelog:

2.9.1 Translation and bugfix release

- Rename install script to avoid confusion (remove "KDE4" part)
- Bugfix for Chinese localization support (thanks to maz_1)
- Added simplified chinese translation (thanks to maz_1)

(Full changelog available within the package)

Ratings & Comments



10 My great developer friend. Your complement has been helpful to me for years! However, unfortunately, the Garuda I use updated Plasma to version 6. Therefore, its plasmoid broke. Because it is no longer compatible. But your palmoid is more important to me than Plasma 6. I would love to have it working again. Thank you very much if you do this. Don't let this wonderful work be forgotten in the past.


10 10 the best


1 Remove a Directory as Root do not work. beause a file seems missing "Programm „“ is missing" Uninstallation not work. A terminal appear instead. --- /home/michel/.local/share/servicemenu-download/rootactions_servicemenu_2.9.1.tar.gz-dir/rootactions_servicemenu_2.9.1/ Zeile 2: kde4-config: Kommando nicht gefunden. /home/michel/.local/share/servicemenu-download/rootactions_servicemenu_2.9.1.tar.gz-dir/rootactions_servicemenu_2.9.1/ Zeile 16: kde4-config: Kommando nicht gefunden. rm: fehlender Operand ----


Remove Rating


10 10 the best


10 10 the best, bot support KDE5


10 10 the best


1 Very inconvenient to use, lacks absolutely essential features. Open as Text doesn't work, or at least I don't know how to make it work. Cut/Copy/Paste are extremely inconvenient. No option to create files and folders


10 On KDE5 the menus are doubled but I just dropped the 11-rootactionsfiles.desktop from the KDE4 dolphin into /home/$USER/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/ instead of running the script so maybe that's why lol. Awesome and useful AF


10 10 the best


10 10 the best


7 "KDE Applications 17.04 release has disabled running kate (and dolphin) as root." Well, Yes, it is disabled, but nothing prevents you from downloading the old versions of the Dolphin 16, kwrite 16.12 Rate 16.x packages separately from the archive where all the functions work. Thank you for working with your menu to work in Russian Fedora Remix 31 has become easier and more comfortable !! PS I Apologize for my terrible and crooked English through Yandex translator.


For those which are interested, I published the source code on gitlab and made a change to use pkexec instead of kdesu because it was not working on my version of KDE (5.15 and over). You can find it on [gitlab]( Contributions are welcome


10 10 the best


IT STILL WORKS via kdesu!!! Which my Root Actions Menu was configured to use on Arch. kdesu may be used under KDE to launch GUI applications with root privileges. It is possible that by default kdesu will try to use su even if the root account is disabled. Fortunately one can tell kdesu to use sudo instead of su. Create/edit the file ~/.config/kdesurc: [super-user-command] super-user-command=sudo or use the following command: $ kwriteconfig5 --file kdesurc --group super-user-command --key super-user-command sudo


9 +


9 +


9 thanks!


In ubuntu 18.04 the package 'kdesudo' is deprecated, thus this service menu doesn't work anymore.


If kdesudo is unavailable, the menu will try to use kdesu instead (if it can be found in $PATH. in (k)ubuntu 18.04, make sure that 'kde-cli-tools' is installed and then link kdesu executable into a $PATH directory, for example: "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu /usr/local/bin/kdesu" and the menu should start to work again (apart from dolphin and kate/kwrite).


Yes I agree the new versions of text editors kwrite,kate, the developers have disabled the reason, the ability to run as root, not apolosova their actions with the developers of file managers Dolphin and Krusader . As a result, we (users) with the release of Fedora 25 have the inability to edit the file in Krusader even with root !!! : (: (However, the ability to run through desu still left it and need to use the menu although 100% not sure what will work but in the console everything works.


Feature request: Add 'Create folder' and 'Create file' root actions to menu.


That seems doable, and if the policykit integration (see my response to your previous question) takes a lot longer, I could add these into the next feature release (if there will be one).


Thanks for so useful servicemenu! Did you have any bug tracker for discuss bugs and feature requests not in one large thread? Maybe use for this Github or other service?

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version 2.9.1
downloads 24h 14
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 10

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