Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
and from Summer Pushpin Theme
Well.. I tried to add special characters (Ää, Üü, Öö and ß just.
I hope all is right.
Åå Čč Ćć Žž Šš Đđ were added to the second package.
Źź Óó Ńń Śś Łł are available now.
and Éé Èè Çç Êê Æӕ œ Ąą
ӕ and œ now must work in right way
New characters: Áá Íí Úú Ññ ¡ ¿ and "em dash"
óüöúőűáéí now should be ok
new adds: Ëë Ïï Іі Ìì Òò
if they don't work comment (if work comment too=))
fixed "F" and two polish characters - ęĘę and Żż
new: Ãã Õõ Ââ Ôô Ğğ İı Š Ķ Ī Ļ Ģ Ā Ņ Ķ
Thanks for your comments and Report bugs below please.
Ratings & Comments
Add Ðð and Þþ for Icelandic pls. Great work anyways.
Need this: řŘ ůŮ ýÝ ťŤ ůŮ ěĚ ňŇ ďĎ for czech support. Nice work!
Lower-case 'z' character is replaced with cyrillic 'з'. Fix that, please!
It seems to me that: cyrillic 'з' is replaced with 'z' And 'z' is ok (?) :)
only need "Ş" and "ı" for full turkish support. pretty good job!
This font is a backward. Let's see the problematic parts. 1. Version means that here should be only numbers without year. 2. Copyright info contains only the software created with. 3. Italic angle is not set. Appr. 14.2°. 4. Unicode ranges not set to default, so ie.: IPA extension is not useable. 5. MS Code Pages is not set to dafault, so ie.: Turkish codepage is useable. 6. There is no GSUB and GPOS lookups. It means that there is no ligatures and kernings. 7. Missing glyphs in codepages. It means that in default set (ISO8859-1) there aren't even some necessary glyphs. 8. The highly important codepage (Windows ANSI) is not filfulled with the paragraph symbol. 9. The diacritical combination is not set carefully. The following glyphs need correct direction: Ccedilla, ccedilla. 10. Ccedilla and ccedilla need remove overleap. 11. The "Copy reference" issue is not known in this font. 12. Russian iibreve contains uacute. 13. The little ya contains an extra hook and the glyph itself is too high. 14. The little ucyrill and tse is close similar. The tse needs an extra hook. 15. The little shcha needs an extra hook. 16. The little sha has an extra underline. I don't know why. 17. The following glyph needs remove overleap: AE. 18. I don't know why there are extra glyphs at U04D4 and U04D5. They exist in their original places. 19. The following glyphs come in the font lately: numbersign, dollar, percent, ampersand, asciitilde. They have no rounded endings as others have. 20. The Iociryllic contains a character what is similar to English "I" with dieresis. I think this is not Iocyrillic. I think extremas are correct.
how can i ins this font? thanks
It would be even more wonderful if you could add an ø and Ø ;o) pretty please?
thx all for comments. excuse me for not answering so long. new characters will be available tommorow I think. snookiex, thx I`m very pleased that you will use this font=) No need to paste my name anywhere=) but if it would be possible, I wish to see your company-logo=)
is letters Š Ķ Ī Ļ Ģ Ā Ņ Ķ supported?
Excellent job! We plan to use this font in our company's logo. It means that it will appear in cards, website, merchandise and so. Where would be the right place to place the credits in order to comply with the CC-By license and give you the well-deserved acknowledgment?. Thanks a lot!
Excellent job. Can you add the following characters: Ğ ğ ı İ Thank you
Very nice fonts. Could you please add the following characters: ã õ í Õ â ô Ô Thank you!
first - great font :) but it still doesn't provide few polish characters: ę, Ę, ż, Ż. In Unicode 0119, 0118, 017C, 017B. If you could add them, that would be great. btw. Merry Christmas! :)
thx) done. try them plz Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)
All of them work well now. Thanks to you titles of my windows are works of art. :)
I think there might be a problem with the uppercase F, it's almost a whole letter-width to far left: http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/153/pushkinf.png
thank you=) now F is normal)
done done done=)
Hi! your font is amazing. Can you add these two characters: ì and ò? Than you! L
thanks for appreciating my work) I`ll add necessary symbols at the end of week thx all again=)
There is no Cyrillic "і" equal to "i". Font is nice to print texts in the notebook for university usage;)
hey man, this are a really great fonts but, can u add ËÏëï well at least ï, for spanish poetry :/. we use it to "break" words in more sillabuses :/. hate metric in poetry xD. Thank you :D Ur work is awesome ;)
The Polish letter ł included in this font is wrong. In handwriting, the stroke is rendered as a dash over the letter. This is imporant, because Poles would read the current ł glyph as a small t. The capital Ł is more or less acceptable. Please see this link for an excellent explanation: http://www.twardoch.com/download/polishhowto/stroke.html
Great calligraphic font!