Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
No much Gnome!
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
Could be one of several elements that help Gnome people adopt to KDE4, or use both GNOME and KDE4 without much visual difference :) Those art are really cool. Nicely done. Keep up with it.
First sorry for my english Everybody know than most of Gnome users dont`like KDE but a lot are friendly to KDE and work with Gnome & KDE. For example; Webmaster from a long time ago was a Gnome user but today use Gnome and KDE 4. Better, maybe, the correct name "Gnome Friendly" than "Gnome Touch" pershaw but I can not changing name every day. If you like Theme, ok... if you dont` like, ok too. Regards __________________________ Tod el mundo sabe que bastantes usuarios del Gnomo no les gusta ú odian KDE pero tambien hay una buena porción de ellos que usan Gnome y KDE indistintamente. Quien escribe en Ubuntu Life, unos de los weblogs más visitados siempre ha usado el Gnomo, pero desde un tiempo acá usa tambien KDE 4. Es solo un ejemplo. No puedo ir cambiando el Tema cada día para satisfacer a todos porque es imposible. Lo dejo así y a quien le guste o no, pues eso. Saludos
People are just hating because the theme references GNOME on a KDE-specific artwork site, but you have my thumbs up. It's really a nice-looking theme; if you can, I would suggest changing the name to be KDE/GNOME neutral and take some new screenshots without the "funny" GNOME logo in the widgets - then - you would probably start getting some awesome reviews :)
Good Theme BUT please remove this silly gnome logos from plasmoids, try not to advertise your theme with writings and logos on plasmoids
Ok mirzaD In a few minutes will be ready without "silly" Gnome logos in plasmoids. Sorry by that.
Great but GNOME in KDE look?
The beauty of customizing I guess. If it can be made to look like MSFT Windows, BeOS, and old SGI machines, why not Gnome, eh? :-)