OxyLight 5 Plasma theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:plasma-5
Description:There are problems installing this theme with knewhotstuff.
For reasons i ignore, automatic installation will create a folder named ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/metadata
(The right place would be: ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/OxyLight_5)
The same happens with OxyLighter_5, so you cannot install them at the same time (!?)
Either install one, then rename the folder and install the other or manually downloadf the .zips, extract them and put them under ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/
If you know why that happens, please drop a line.
Add plasmoidheading.svgz
Use widgets/line.svgz from oxygen theme
smaller scrollbars
Changed the following in "colors" file
disabled adaptivetransparency in metadata.desktop
Ratings & Comments
Version is 1.38 now (server side problem about versions not corrected yet, it seems...)
Sorry guys, there is something weird going on with this platform that avoids me to update (amongo other things) the version. Fortunately i can still publish changelogs and files. Ve're now at version 1.32
10 10 the best
9 Really nice
so this does not install in Kde 4 I guess. I cannot get them install through xdgurl, manually or through the Kde settings panel. Nothing will show.
Very nice theme but I am trying to install it with Kubuntu Kde plasma 5 and while the theme manager says it's install, it never appears in the list. Oxylighter 5 works fine though. Anything different with this ?
Sorry for the late reply. No, there is nothing special with this theme, i even checked the metadata.desktop of both oxylight and oxylighter and they seems both fine. I tested on a kde5 environment in the past and i don't remember if it showed up ni the theme list, but i can say for sure that they both appears in the themes list on kde4...
Thanks. I have no clue why Kubuntu won't show it after install. Must be a bug of some sort. I hope you keep making themes. I love them.