London eye splash screen and login screen for KDE 5.Unzip and place folder London_eye in /usr/share/sddm/themesand org.kde.London_eye.desktop in /usr/share/plasma/look-and-feelGo to System settings and choose London_eye in Workspace theme ==> Splash Screen and in Startup and Shutdown ==> Login Screen (SDDM)
Ratings & Comments
7 7 good
Спасибо очень красивая и стильная тема ,обязательно попробую вместо куцей стандортной темы sddm в Russian Fedora 24 Thank you very beautiful and stylish theme definitely try is scanty standartnoi themes sddm the Russian Fedora 24
What else does the theme change? Or is it "only" the login screen too?
It's just for the login manager (SDDM) and the splash screen. But I did not know which category to use. May be in artwork ?
The SDDM theme should go here and the splash screen should go to "Plasma Splash Screens".