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Arquetype GNU/Linux Breeze (Plasma 5)
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Become a Fan
Available as/for:
-Extract archive
-Copy & paste folder to /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

0 Affiliates
version 0.9.7
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0
More Plasma Themes from ArquetypeLinux:
Other Plasma Themes:
Plasma Themes
Plasma Themes are for the main elements of the DE, like Panel, Menu, etc.
Read more about how to do Plasma Themes here:

Ratings & Comments
I like the look of this calendar: http://kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=142424&file1=142424-1.png&file2=142424-2.png&file3=142424-3.png&name=Caledonia The theme "Caledonia" seems to have been removed from the kde-look.org website. However, when googling for the name of the removed archive file, there is a download available from the Archlinux website. However, this theme does no longer seem to be maintained.
Of course, one could minimalize it; use only green color that matches this theme and replace the white fields with dark ones .....
Is it possible to make at least the start menu semi-transparent/translucent? Perhaps even with blur like ubuntu Unity Dash?
Just turn "Contrast" effect and you'll have blurred transparency like in KDE4.
*turn off
I cannot seem to find where this "Contrast" effect is located...
I cannot seem to find where this "Contrast" effect is located...
I cannot seem to find where this "Contrast" effect is located...
Nice darkish grey (not completely black) theme ... with a little green touch it goes well with openSUSE. Now I wish I can have same darkish grey windeco for plasma 5 and green icon theme to go well with plasma 5 environment, preferably flattish icons ... any tips or links? Simple and beautiful theme. Thanks.
Forgot to mention: text is little too offset towards greyish and will be better to have it proper white for much better readability.
i will look for some icon pack with flat style that fits good with this theme. I'm happy that you like the theme ;)
Thank you, I love it :)
i'm so glad that you like it, right now Arquetype team will finish a darker version for this theme. So i hope that people likes it to.
I'd like to report two glitches, I don't know if you can do something about it : I have a panel at the top and the taskbar texts are really blurry (actually not sure if this is related to the top position of the panel, just though about it while typing this message) - http://postimg.org/image/ybwmi9dtd/full/ Non full-length panel have white corners - http://s9.postimg.org/7hbau9p0v/arquetype_bug.png Cheers
I know exactly what you mean. But this isn't problem of plasma theme, is a bug problem of "plasma desktop" package. I solved it downloading sources and editing task manager values and set shadow to zero for dark environments, then I compile it again and install; later to reboot and start up system the problem is fixed. I'm sorry but is a task manager problem not from plasma theme.
OK, thank you for these explanations. However, the dark version of Breeze doesn't have this problem, that's strange Cheers
Anyways you can download sources of "plasma desktop" and look the code by yourself. You will see where is the problem at shadows in text.
Try to copy "colors" file from breeze dark theme to arquetype, and test it (it works for me) The problem is this file.
In first and second image appears a message in wallpaper. What font is?
Is EXO font family. You can find it and download in "google fonts".
this is the link of waallpaper: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Stay-387499601
Hey, can you link the wall?