Oxygen DSX
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
which adds some transparent backgrounds.
I really like the Oxygen-Theme,
but I never liked these opaque dialogs and tool-tips.
This extensions adds more transparency,
but keeps most of the original.
So all credits goes to the Oxygen Team for the fine artwork.
If you download the archive from KDE-Look.org, follow the instructions stated in the "install.txt" provided with the archive.
0.5 - Changes for some plasmoids that rely on some Lancelot components (i.e. "Shelf")
0.4 - Not published
0.3 - No Changes, still compatible with KDE 4.12
0.3 - No Changes, still compatible with KDE 4.11
0.3 - Update for KDE 4.10.5
Added Media-Delegate
0.2 - Update for KDE 4.10,
don't need to install plasma-theme-oxygen prior to this theme
0.1 - Initial Version for KDE 4.9.x (KDE 4.7 and KDE 4.8 should also be compatible)
Ratings & Comments
Using this plasmoid desktop theme at the moment. Very nice.
Thanks for the compliment, hope you enjoy the theme
I find this theme pretty cool, but I found a detail a little ugly. Could you change/remove this? http://i60.tinypic.com/309q4ja.jpg
It seems the image has been fixed itself.
This is sometimes caused due to the caching of images, icons and themes done by KDE. Normally a Logout and Re-Login solves this. I think this was the solution in your case also. But I'm happy you like the theme. Have fun...
Yes, after a reboot it was fixed. By the way, I noticed an issue related to this theme: the text in the shelf plasmoid appears in black instead of white as, I think, it should be, and with dark color schemes the text is unreadable in most cases. In the original Oxygen theme the text is white.
OK - This is one of the few plasmoids I never tried. But I see the problem, it's not very good readable, especially when you use a darker wallpaper. I will look into it on the weekend, if I can find a solution. But I'm afraid that the switching font color is more a feature of the plasmoid, to deal with different backgrounds - but let's see what I can do.
Please try the new version. On my test installation it worked fine.
It's much better now!
Sounds good ;-) Have fun...
I use DSX desktop with Oxygen-Transparent (NOT transparent-oxygen) and except for the 'glow' on the widget borders, this is the closest i've come to full transparent.. I'm working on the svg borders elements and will offer when done, if i get to it... Thanks, Landis.
Hi Landis, sounds good. I'd like to see your work, so give me a note when your done. Thanks.