Light Warp
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Extract this tar.gz package to /root/.kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/ directory!
Select the theme in Configure Desktop>Workspace Appearance>Desktop Theme>Light Warp
-> you can change the colors of the theme by editing only the "BackgroundNormal" field,use a color picker widget!
Neon Green- 54,255,54 --> just copy this code and replace BackgroundNormal code in colors file
Turquoise- 0,255,255
Raspberry Pink- 226,0,113
Lime- 191,245,0
Red- 255,0,0
version 3.3
->Most of the Lancelot, Widgets, icon tasks and Toolbar-icons are changed to hint-apply-color scheme.
->some Light warp widget element behaviours were fixed.
->and some other minor changes to widget elements
Ratings & Comments
Hi, could you please tell me what, is that system monitor on the right side on the screen. I mean what is its name and where I can find it.
Great theme! But i can't find icons on kde-look. Please give me a link to icons that are on the first screenshot at the Lancelot, if you have. Thank you=)
Is it possible to choose this color from within the theme selection dialog in the System Settings, or is it necessary to edit the colors file by hand every time?
Yes! you have to edit colors file!
Hey there, wonderful theme, but I cant manage to get my "start menu" look like yours. for me it is just black, not semi-transparent. What am I missing? This is how mine is looking http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3616/xn46ygg9_png.htm Thank you in advance!
use Lancelot app launcher!i am using the same! :-) Thanks!
Hm, as I see, it is part of the kdeplasma-addons. I have this package installed but I dont really know how to use Lancelot. Does it replace the "normal KDE start menu"? :-) Thanks alot for your help!
ah, never mind. I manage to get it work! Thanks alot! Really great theme! :)
Lancelot is a part of KDE ! its already installed and you could find it in the Add widgets area! Thanks and enjoy! and don’t forget to rate it! :-)
Nice work! Thank you!
:-) Thanks and Enjoy!
Looks really nice :)
Thanks a lot and enjoy!
i got an error when i try to open the archive :(
the file was corrupted while uploading! now its working! thanks for letting me know!