Dynamo Plasma
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:NOTE: This is a work in progress, i still need to draw a proper shutdown dialog, fix the colors for the plasma-nm systray icons and the krunner appearance.
To install it extract the archive to
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Feedbacks & critiques are very appreciated.
Ratings & Comments
I'm downlading the theme just for your great humour, nice TODO list!
When we can expect icon theme to be released? :)
Just released it ;)
Amazing job, it is perfect Thank you, thank you, thank you
Glad you like it :) As soon as i'll fix some issues i'll upload the dark version too
Can you make dark version?
I can, but not in this period, unfortunately i'm very busy in august. As for the moment i'll just maintain & update the light version. Hopefully i'll have more free time starting from the late september for a dark theme and other artworks.
Ok, started to work on it: http://postimg.org/image/g8mypp7mh/ It is at a very beginning stage, it will takes some time to be released.
Very nice work.
Thanks !
Do you plan to port the dark version of the Plasma 5 theme too?
Not for the moment (currently too much busy studying for the september exams at university) but i do not exclude that i'll change my mind once i'll have some free time.
Thank you for porting plasma 5 theme. It looks great! Btw great todo list too :D
My pleasure :) I hope i can finish this theme soon. P.s. But what i do hope is to fulfill the tasks in my TODO as soon as possible :P