Sabre-Toothed Tiger
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:The dock of this version only works on the bottom of the screen. I will probably add support to other positions in the future. You are free to take this work and enhance it further.
I used the Eleonora plasma theme as base.
* The taskbar used is "STasks" plasmoid.
* The separator is the "Panel Spacer" plasmoid with a custom line separator (included on this plasma theme as "Style 2").
It's recommended to remove the "light effect" from the Staks plasmoid and change the "Task Shape" to "Square". Ajust the "Space Between Tasks" and "Icon Scale" to your liking.
* Improved Bar (Dock) skin
* Improved Tooltip Skin
* Removed the shadows from other Skins ("normal" plasmoid skin, calendar, kicker, etc).
* New tasks notifications (normal, hover, selected, notification).
Ratings & Comments
9 +
This is a great theme, except it is cutting off the top of widgets and icons. How do I fix this?
Hi this theme looks great so i installed it but when i go into my settings to chose a new theme it doesn't show up. Am i supposed to do something else to be able to choose it? Really hope you can help! Thanks :)
I have the same problem. I installed the theme from System Settings. I clicked on Get New Themes, selected this theme, and clicked Install. It installed the theme and shows as installed in the Get Hot New Stuff dialog box, but does not show up as a theme in Desktop Theme of System Manager. I will try uninstalling and reinstalling, then quitting and restarting System Settings. I will update my progress if someone comments on this comment.
How do you set the custom line for the panel spacer? I can't seem to find out how. I only have the "None" and "Line" in the panel spacer settings. I did find a panelspacer-separator.svgz, I tried extracting it and renaming as panelspacer-separator.svg or panelspacer.svg but that didn't help. How do I do it?
Is there a way to change the background color, because mine looks kinda gray and I don't like it :(
Sorry for the late response. I'm afraid not, but you can edit the panel-background.svg file and increase the transparency or change the color of the skin.
Thank you, I'll try to do it.
What is you KMenu icon?
It's the default KDEmod Icon. (http://kdemod.ath.cx/)
Try removing the $HOME/.kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/SabreTiger/widgets/notes.svg
Hi, really nice work! But I've noticed that notes have no background... Can you please add it? Thanks and congrats! :D
They are slightly semi transparent. Take a look at the screenshot1. Well, i guess i could make it more transparent :)
Maybe my display is too dark, but I can't see it here. ;-) So I suggest increasing it's level at least for applets on desktop, transparent plasmoid background from Glassified looks just fantastic in my opinion and similar should blend good with the rest of this theme. By the way, my task plasmoid (Fancy Tasks) also looks nice with your theme. :-) http://www.kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/99737-1.png
Your plasmoid is pretty cool. Keep the great work.
Thanks. :-) I've tested how your theme looks with Glassified plasmoid backgrounds (using Theme Details module) and I think that it looks very nice. Maybe you could create at least more transparent variant of this theme? ;-)
This theme is very nice but I have suggestion. What do you think about making tool tips and applets background semi transparent, like in Glassified?
I was trying to do the same thing with my theme called MaKos. But I had no idea how to really make it. This is much more than I would ever thought of. I like it. It even replaced my theme (Bare Naked) on my desktop. Well I still use it for widgets as I prefer the "embedded" look.
Thank you for using it. My first attempt was to create a plasma theme that the bottom panel looked like this but the top panel looked like the MacOSX top bar. Unfortunatly i had to drop that idea because the tasks of the bottom panel have a transparent backgound on mouse hover/selected but the tasks of the top bar would have a different background (blue, for example). Unfortunatly plasma can't do that (maybe the KDE4.3 will allow it). Until then, i will probably add support for a flat dock bar on top, left and right positions.
Wen you'll do, I'll try it out!