Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
If you find a bug or have thought about a new feature, please, feel free to post your feedback.
Supported actions:
- Standby (turn off monitor to save energy)
- Lock screen
- Leave (log out, restart or shut down the computer)
- Switch user (switch user o create new session)
- Sleep (suspend to RAM)
- Hibernate (suspend to disk)
Other features:
- Supports different layouts
- Ability to rearrange icons
- Fully customizable icons
- Integration with Breeze and Breeze Dark themes
Supported languages:
- Dutch
- English (default)
- French
- Spanish
- Other languages are welcome. Please, check TRANSLATORS.README file for details.
Integrity checks for plasma5-applets-system-panel-1.6.0.tar.gz:
- MD5Sum: b94986213ea595327fe241a912bef0e1
- SHA1Sum: 4a8bd587ba6738d28c27da2c2dec935673eb0d4e
- SHA256Sum: 859c0da545864b29884a2afb7242fb24f89f1a46cc3d31f4c2ccfa8117a5d820
2019-07-08 - v.1.6.0
- Added Dutch translation (special thanks to Heimen Stoffels)
- Other minor enhancements
2019-07-07 - v.1.5.0
- Upgrade some QtQuick imports
- Update standby icons for breeze & breeze-dark themes
- Remove compilation override warning
2017-10-26 - v.1.4.0
- Add breeze-dark theme icons
2016-04-18 - v.1.3.0
- Rearrange icons
- Customize icons
- Other minor improvements
2016-03-14 - v.1.2.0
- Added localization support
- Added French translation (special thanks to Dominique Bribanick)
- Added Spanish translation
2016-03-07 - v.1.1.0
- Added option to Turn Off the monitor when Locking the screen
- Added option to make ask for confirmation optional for Sleep and Hibernate actions
- Remove compilation warning
- Other minor improvements
2016-03-01 - v.1.0.0
- First public version
Ratings & Comments
8 8 great
@m0ji, I've verified the 3 links in under the Files tab are functional. However, I noticed there is pop up window that requires you clicking on the button to continue. Please, follow the next steps to build from AUR, and let me know if you are still experiencing issues: - wget https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/plasma5-applets-system-panel.tar.gz - tar xvfz plasma5-applets-system-panel.tar.gz - cd plasma5-applets-system-panel - makepkg -crsi Enjoy!
same error as pamac returns: plasma5-applets-system-panel/PKGBUILD: line 37: kde4-config: command not found ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package(). Aborting...
@m0ji, thanks for the heads up. The issue should be fixed. There was a missing dependency in the AUR PKGBUILD file. Please, try again the same steps and let me know if you experience any further issues. Thank you!
still not. Output: Verifying source file signatures with gpg... phonon-4.10.1.tar.xz ... FAILED (unknown public key B92A5F04EC949121) ==> ERROR: One or more PGP signatures could not be verified!
I'm sorry, I don't know how to reached to that error. Plasma5-applets-system-panel shouldn't have any dependency with phonon. Phonon is an audio library used by KDE, and plasma5-applets-system-panel doesn't need it. Can you please copy all the trace from your terminal including the command you run and all the traces you get? You can share a link through https://pastebin.com or similar website if the log is long. Thanks.
I think it's a dependency of one of dependencies. https://pastebin.com/UySpibCP
I'm sorry, I'm not maintaining the phonon-qt4 package. In fact, you shouldn't need it for plasma5-applets-system-panel. If you still need phonon-qt4 package for something else, my recommendation is to directly ask for support in the comments area at: - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/phonon-qt4/ Thanks.
AUR building fails, install button in opendesktop not works, when put the folder manually just showed in widget list not works. Any idea?
I just realized I should have replied here. Please, see comment above. Thanks.
9 Very nice. Props for the AUR package.
9 +
No error at all.
Hi Yguy, I'm happy to hear everything worked like charm for you. I'm currently working on the next release, which I hope brings with some cool new features. If you liked the widget/plasmoid, please, vote for it so that it gets better placed in the ranking. Thank you!
yes, the src has excellent quality! builds as smooth as silk.
I cannot see a "vote" button anywhere?
It is on top, on the left of the name or the creator ( the little windows with "score" ) Move your mice on this window and click on "-" if you don't like and "+" if you like.
Cool beans! Thank you guys! ;-)
Hi Musikolo I test your new version (1.2.0) and for me all work fine. French translation is complete. Thank, good job.
Happy to hear that everything is alright. Thank you! ;-)
Hi Yguy, I'm happy to hear everything worked like charm for you. I'm currently working on the next release, which I hope brings with some cool new features. If you liked the widget/plasmoid, please, vote for it so that it gets better placed in the ranking. Thank you!
Hi Musikolo. I clean-up the code for messages.sh in /src/po/ directory. Here the link : http://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/up/138795649635992281/messagessh.zip Now there are no warning or error when you launch .messages.sh
Hi Chepioq, I was working yesterday on the addition of the location feature. I added some of your optimizations already, plus a few others. Yet, I'll double check just in case there is anything else that can added. Everything was working good. I'm planning to release a new version by the end of this week. Please, keep on sharing anything you want. I appreciate your effort and contributions! Thank you! ;-)
Hi Musikolo I test your 1.10 version and that work fine for me. I made french translation and update the .pot file. Here the link for this new version : http://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/up/138795649635992281/plasma5-applets-system-panel-110.zip
I got it. Thank you!