That's something I too like but I really think that it would be better to create a patch for the "official" lock/logout plasmoid (eg. in the config dialog the user should be able to choose which buttons to show - some users could probably want only the lock button to appear) rather than creating duplicates.
The KDE Team is really nice and would accept such a reasonable feature. Don't be afraid to contact them. If I had more free time, I could probably do this...
Thank you for your comment.
I'm also not a fan of duplicates, but this one is just a quick and dirty solution for me, which i wanted to share with others.
I'm unfortunately not able to provide a patch with a configuration option, because i'm not really keen on it.
Even though I've read some month ago that this feature will be added to the lock/logout widget.
But when you got the time to do this it would be really nice :-)
It don't need to be plasmoid. ;-)
I've created simple desktop file some months ago when I've problems with layout of official plasmoid (you can drag it to panel or somewhere).
I don't know if it still works, but maybe it would be useful for someone.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[pl]=Zakończ pracę
Comment=Zakończ pracę
Exec=dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer org.kde.KSMServerInterface.logout int32:1 int32:0 int32:1
GenericName[pl]=Zakończ pracę
GenericName=Zakończ pracę
Name[pl]=Zakończ pracę
Name=Zakończ pracę
Actually I created the patch and sent it to the plasma devs to review it. It should probably hit trunk soon. I will let you know as soon as I commit it to SVN.
hi, this is my first time that i try to compile a plasmoid and i have this error while compile LogOut 1.0:
[root@localhost build]# cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.6/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:72 (MESSAGE):
ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:3 (find_package)
CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
No cmake_minimum_required command is present. A line of code such as
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
should be added at the top of the file. The version specified may be lower
if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project. For more
information run "cmake --help-policy CMP0000".
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- Configuring done
[root@localhost build]#
can you help me, pls?
Ratings & Comments
That's something I too like but I really think that it would be better to create a patch for the "official" lock/logout plasmoid (eg. in the config dialog the user should be able to choose which buttons to show - some users could probably want only the lock button to appear) rather than creating duplicates. The KDE Team is really nice and would accept such a reasonable feature. Don't be afraid to contact them. If I had more free time, I could probably do this...
Thank you for your comment. I'm also not a fan of duplicates, but this one is just a quick and dirty solution for me, which i wanted to share with others. I'm unfortunately not able to provide a patch with a configuration option, because i'm not really keen on it. Even though I've read some month ago that this feature will be added to the lock/logout widget. But when you got the time to do this it would be really nice :-)
It don't need to be plasmoid. ;-) I've created simple desktop file some months ago when I've problems with layout of official plasmoid (you can drag it to panel or somewhere). I don't know if it still works, but maybe it would be useful for someone. [Desktop Entry] Comment[pl]=Zakończ pracę Comment=Zakończ pracę Exec=dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer org.kde.KSMServerInterface.logout int32:1 int32:0 int32:1 GenericName[pl]=Zakończ pracę GenericName=Zakończ pracę Icon=system-shutdown MimeType= Name[pl]=Zakończ pracę Name=Zakończ pracę Path= StartupNotify=true Terminal=false TerminalOptions= Type=Application X-DBUS-ServiceName= X-DBUS-StartupType= X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false X-KDE-Username=
Actually I created the patch and sent it to the plasma devs to review it. It should probably hit trunk soon. I will let you know as soon as I commit it to SVN.
Nice and thank you! In that case i think it wasn't almost useless to upload this plasmoid;-) Thanks for your effort!
The patch hit the trunk. Revision 923911: It was no big deal, don't worry.
hi, this is my first time that i try to compile a plasmoid and i have this error while compile LogOut 1.0: [root@localhost build]# cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` .. CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.6/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:72 (MESSAGE): ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in /root/.kde4/share/apps;/var/lib/mandriva/kde4-profiles/powerpack/share/apps;/var/lib/mandriva/kde4-profiles/common/share/apps;/usr/share/apps Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:3 (find_package) CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt: No cmake_minimum_required command is present. A line of code such as cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) should be added at the top of the file. The version specified may be lower if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project. For more information run "cmake --help-policy CMP0000". This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. -- Configuring done [root@localhost build]# can you help me, pls?
Hi, i guess you haven't installed the kde-devel-packages on your system. I'm using openSUSE, so i can't tell you how to install it on fedora.
Sorry, not fedora, i mean mandriva.
oki thanks a lot, i try to install it...