**************************************** NEWS: I currently don't have the time to update the plasmoid or even work on a plasma 5 version. Sorry! But I will be happy to have either someone else take over the project or to publish corrected xml files to at least maintain the kde 4 version of this plasmoid ****************************************
This is another weather plasmoid. It aims to be highly customizable, but a little harder to setup than other weather plasmoids. Nearly any weather forecast provider can be used, as long as the data is provided as html files (no flash). The information how to extract the information from these html files is stored inside xml files. Commands like grep, head, tail, sed, awk, ... will do this job.
are included, but feel free to write your own ones. Please note, that some of the xml files might not work properly for all locations. If they don't, try to update your definition files: either install latest cwp release or/and download latest xml definition file package from http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=98925 and unpack the xml files into ~/.kde4/share/apps/cwp (the cwp application folder inside your kde directory).
To access extended information about current weather condition, left-click inside the current weather description! The time, when the provider updated his weather information is shown italic when clicked on update time.
CWP saves current weather data on exit inside $HOME/./share/apps/cwp folder, so after crashes you might want to clean up this directory, or completely remove it.
Parts of the source code are taken from weather plasmoid 0.4, KDE 4.2, qimageblitz, yaWP. Thanks to the developers!
If you experience any bugs, please report them here. Running plasmoidviewer plasma_applet_cwp or starting plasma from the console might give you some debug information.Last changelog:
1.12.1 ====== - xml: wetter.com updated (thanks to Evi1M4chine)
1.12.0 ====== - xml: removed www.weather.com support because the website is unparsable now - xml: splitted openweathermap.org into celsius and fahrenheit versions - modifications for locating correct data path
1.11.0 ====== - xml: gismeteo.com: fixed - removed freemeteo.com due to severe site changes, rendering access impossible
1.10.2 ====== - xml: gismeteo.com: city name fixed in some cases
1.10.1 ====== - xml: wetter.com: Current temperature fixed - xml: openweathermap.org: north wind symbol fixed (thanks to wettermeister) - xml: gismeteo.com: city name fixed in some cases
1.10.0 ====== - weather information is stored on disk each time updates are downloaded - xml: weather.com: current weather description fixed
1.9.1 ===== - xml: gismeteo.com: location fixed for some locations
1.9.0 ===== - xml: openweathermap.org: initial support (WARNING: all configurations need to be updated!) - xml: uk.weather.com: sunrise / sunset fixed - xml: espanol.weather.com: sunrise / sunset and wind direction fixed - xml: in.weather.com: sunrise / sunset fixed
1.8.1 ===== - xml: wetter.com: fixes (thanks to Evi1M4chine). Weather icons from weather provider should be preferred over system icons! - xml: [in,espanol,uk].weather.com: UV index fixed
1.8.0 ===== - xml: myforecast.com: update time added - xml: wetter.com: weather description modified - xml: gismeteo.com: current weather icon fixed - xml: accuweather.com (World): possibly wrong temperature fixed - increased number of possible weather icons
1.7.3 ===== - xml: accuweather.com: fixes for some URLs
1.7.2 ===== - xml: www.weather.com: fixes (thanks to jcasoliva) - xml: accuweather.com: 5th day fixed
1.7.1 ===== - xml: ilmeteo.it: fixes (thanks to Maurizio A.) - xml: gismeteo.com: location fixed - xml: www.weather.com: current weather conditions fixed - xml: accuweather.com (US): fixed (new location code) - xml: accuweather.com (World): fixed (new location code)
1.7.0 ===== - icon for calm wind conditions - xml: all: inserted "calm" wind condition if possible - xml: www.weather.com: fixed - xml: ilmeteo.it: changed (thanks to Maurizio A.) - xml: espanol / in / uk.weather.com fixed - xml: gismeteo: location fixed
1.6.13 ====== - xml: wetter.com: fixed (thanks to Evi1M4chine)
1.5.5 ===== - xml: accuweather.com (US): Forecast icon for 1st day fixed - xml: weather.com: Fixed - xml: pogodynka.pl: Fixed
1.5.4 ===== - xml: ilmeteo.it: icon and description fixes
1.5.3 ===== - xml: accuweather.com (US): links and location fixes
1.5.2 ===== - xml: espanol.weather.com: date name fixes - xml: fr.weather.com: date name fixes - xml: in.weather.com: date name fixes - xml: uk.weather.com: date name fixes - xml: accuweather.com (US): update time fixed - xml: www.weather.com: current weather icon fixed
1.5.1 ===== - ru.po updated (thanks to Boris Pek) - new cwp-app directory not used in some cases - xml: gismeteo.com: add some icon codes - xml: www.weather.com.cn: fixes
1.5.0 ===== - on request: changed app directory from ~/.cwp to ~/.[kde4]/share/apps/cwp - xml: gismeteo.com: display N.A. if no update time is available - xml: gismeteo.com: add some icon codes
1.4.0 ===== - on request: export / import settings from configuration dialog
1.3.4 ===== - xml: accuweather.com (US): fixed temperature not shown in some cases - xml: ilmeteo.it: fixed icon and forecast information issues
1.3.1 ===== - xml: pogodynka.pl: fixed forecast for 1st day
1.3.0 ===== - display invalid weather data rather than spinning circle - xml: www.gismeteo.com: links to www.gismeteo.ru now - xml: accuweather.com (US): fixed - xml: pogodynka.pl: fixed - xml: others: small fixes
1.2.3 ===== - xml: www.weather.com: fixed
1.2.2 ===== - tiny spelling fix (thanks to tehnick) - debug information for icon codes added - xml: ilmeteo.it: fixes for some locations like Roma - xml: accuweather.com (US): night icon fixes
1.2.1 ===== - xml: accuweather.com (World): small fixes (thanks to naradla) - xml: gismeteo.com: location name fixed - xml: www.weather.com: wind & encoding fixed - xml: ilmeteo.it: fixes (thanks to lbonco) - xml: www.weather.com.cn: icon description fixed - xml: accuweather.com (US): special icons fixed - xml: gismeteo.com: some missing icons added
1.2.0 ===== - use KDE's scheduler for download jobs (let KDE limit kio_http process number to 30) - xml: accuweather.com (World): new URL to find location code
1.1.1 ===== - xml: fr.weather.com: fixed wind direction - xml: espanol.weather.com: fixed wind direction - xml: www.weather.com: fixed - xml: accuweather.com (World): fixed (both °C and °F)
1.1.0 ===== - fixed namespace bug in xml files - fixed panel bug in KDE 4.5 - xml: gismeteo.com: fixed
1.0.5 ===== - xml: freemeteo.com: fixed & added new languages support
1.0.4 ===== - xml: accuweather.com (World): fixed (thanks to Jota Jota) - xml: accuweather.com (US): fixed
1.0.2 ===== - xml: accuweather.com (World) fixed (both °C and °F)
1.0.1 ===== - xml: www.gismeteo.com: location fixed - xml: wetter.com: update time fixed, current weather icon fixed - xml: weather.com.cn: day names fixed
1.0.0 ===== - update function (xml files in .cwp folder preferred over xml files from install directory) - weather-windy icon: fixed (newer kde versions don't load scalable icons any more) - xml: accuweather.com: US celsius and fahrenheit: fixed - xml: ilmeteo.it: fixed (thanks to Pasquale Ceres) - xml: www.weather.com: fixed
Just wanted to say thanks. I've been using CWP for years, and I find myself missing its constant presence. Seems these desktop plasmoids just aren't in style now - even my standby YAWP isn't available for kde5.
Anyway, that's neither here, nor there, I wanted to say thank you for creating and maintaining such a really nice weather display for my desktop, for such a long time.
I'm off to struggle with conky now...
Hey, wäre es möglich, das Plasmid einfach als normales eigenständiges Programm umzubauen? Dann ließe es sich nämlich in *jeder* Desktopumgebung als Widget benutzen.
Hier am Beispiel von Enlightenment erklärt: http://simotek.net/tech/projects/opensuse-e/enlightenment-wallpaper-changers-photo-frames-and-system-monitors/
Translation: Hey, would it be possible, to convert the Plasmid into a standalone program? Because then, it could be used as a widget, in *every* desktop environment.
Explained here, in the case of Enlightenment: http://simotek.net/tech/projects/opensuse-e/enlightenment-wallpaper-changers-photo-frames-and-system-monitors/
For the time being, you can run »plasma-windowed plasma_applet_cwp« and use that. (--help-all for more parameters. E.g. -b to get a border, if you need one.)
Only if you can install KDE4 and Plasma5 at the same time. I guess with separate install locations, this would always work. It might be messy though, because KDE4 is probably not made to be installed in weird places and load its libraries from there too. So it might load KDE5 libraries from the default directories and use KDE5 config files, and crash.
Also, I don’t know if Plasma5 has a pin-to-desktop functionality. KWIN is pretty powerful, so if nothing helps, its scriptability might still make it possible. It would be work though.
www.ilmeteo.it is no longer working. I've fixed it and I'm sharing the fixed xml with you: http://pastebin.com/mtYCtrCA
Also, I advise that you go in the settings and change the translation of "rain" into "Precipitazioni", because it shows both rain and snow.
@jaegerschnitzel: How about migrating this to Lumina instead of KDE5/Plasma5?
I heard it is much easier to do. And frankly, CWP is the only thing keeping me from switching to another DE. (They’re all shit. :) Lumina seems like a much better choice, given its easy extensibility and it not being designed for idiots.
Korrektur: In der obigen Version war noch ein Fehler in den URLs. Deswegen auch die falsche Icons.
Die Version hab ich getestet und sie geht einwandfrei: http://pastebin.com/rQR1s5Yx
I fixed it. Look at my comment with a pastebin link above.
Beware though that wetter.com has a design that makes any parser very unstable, since they use no fixed ids anymore. Even though I tried to make it as reliable as possible, any change might break it again. Also the website misses a lot of data that the app has. So using the same data source the app uses would be a much better idea. But I have more important things to do. if you want, you can do it…
I live in France. I used fr.weather.com for a long time. But as this site doesn't work anymore, I changed for "myforecast.com (C°)", with KDE native weather icons (the icons from the site are very ugly). But since this morning, I have a grey empty icon instead. However, the icons from the site (beurk) are still available.
As a complement to my precedent post : for =today=, everything works fine : T°, KDE' icon (a sun with passing clouds), commentary ("passing clouds, chilly), wind (direction and speed). Nothing for the others days (I use "disposition 5 days horizontal compact")
Ratings & Comments
Just wanted to say thanks. I've been using CWP for years, and I find myself missing its constant presence. Seems these desktop plasmoids just aren't in style now - even my standby YAWP isn't available for kde5. Anyway, that's neither here, nor there, I wanted to say thank you for creating and maintaining such a really nice weather display for my desktop, for such a long time. I'm off to struggle with conky now...
Hey, wäre es möglich, das Plasmid einfach als normales eigenständiges Programm umzubauen? Dann ließe es sich nämlich in *jeder* Desktopumgebung als Widget benutzen. Hier am Beispiel von Enlightenment erklärt: http://simotek.net/tech/projects/opensuse-e/enlightenment-wallpaper-changers-photo-frames-and-system-monitors/
Translation: Hey, would it be possible, to convert the Plasmid into a standalone program? Because then, it could be used as a widget, in *every* desktop environment. Explained here, in the case of Enlightenment: http://simotek.net/tech/projects/opensuse-e/enlightenment-wallpaper-changers-photo-frames-and-system-monitors/
I would really like it.
For the time being, you can run »plasma-windowed plasma_applet_cwp« and use that. (--help-all for more parameters. E.g. -b to get a border, if you need one.)
This is excellent. Will this work on Plasma5? I'm still on KDE4 for now.
Only if you can install KDE4 and Plasma5 at the same time. I guess with separate install locations, this would always work. It might be messy though, because KDE4 is probably not made to be installed in weird places and load its libraries from there too. So it might load KDE5 libraries from the default directories and use KDE5 config files, and crash. Also, I don’t know if Plasma5 has a pin-to-desktop functionality. KWIN is pretty powerful, so if nothing helps, its scriptability might still make it possible. It would be work though.
Gismeteo changed identifiers. So, not working at all. :(
www.ilmeteo.it is no longer working. I've fixed it and I'm sharing the fixed xml with you: http://pastebin.com/mtYCtrCA Also, I advise that you go in the settings and change the translation of "rain" into "Precipitazioni", because it shows both rain and snow. Enjoy!
Sorry, there was a stupid mistake. Here is the new link: http://pastebin.com/iaUPMgC1
Again, there was another minor change on ilmeteo.it side. Here is the updated xml: http://pastebin.com/m5986xVi
Still another minor update: http://pastebin.com/MQZMTk4Y
One more time: https://pastebin.com/z5nkA8hV
Another update (this time was the UV index): https://pastebin.com/YSRvKLt2
Another update (felt temperature and visibility): https://pastebin.com/eE8JVLT5
www.accuweather.com (World) no longer works well due to site changes.
I just moved for Linux Mint 18 KDE with plasma 5. And I realized that my excellent CWP doesn't work anymore... No hope for a new version ??
@jaegerschnitzel: How about migrating this to Lumina instead of KDE5/Plasma5? I heard it is much easier to do. And frankly, CWP is the only thing keeping me from switching to another DE. (They’re all shit. :) Lumina seems like a much better choice, given its easy extensibility and it not being designed for idiots.
UPDATE for wetter.com: http://pastebin.com/9Gui5c5k
Hey, wetter.com hat noch zwei Fehler (KeineTemperaturen und falsche Icons für die 7 Tage). Ich habs mal korrigiert: http://pastebin.com/Mv4FHQg7
Korrektur: In der obigen Version war noch ein Fehler in den URLs. Deswegen auch die falsche Icons. Die Version hab ich getestet und sie geht einwandfrei: http://pastebin.com/rQR1s5Yx
Can you please update wetter.com xml? They have changed the website layout = no information at all with the current xml file :(
I fixed it. Look at my comment with a pastebin link above. Beware though that wetter.com has a design that makes any parser very unstable, since they use no fixed ids anymore. Even though I tried to make it as reliable as possible, any change might break it again. Also the website misses a lot of data that the app has. So using the same data source the app uses would be a much better idea. But I have more important things to do. if you want, you can do it…
I live in France. I used fr.weather.com for a long time. But as this site doesn't work anymore, I changed for "myforecast.com (C°)", with KDE native weather icons (the icons from the site are very ugly). But since this morning, I have a grey empty icon instead. However, the icons from the site (beurk) are still available.
As a complement to my precedent post : for =today=, everything works fine : T°, KDE' icon (a sun with passing clouds), commentary ("passing clouds, chilly), wind (direction and speed). Nothing for the others days (I use "disposition 5 days horizontal compact")