Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

Jakub T. Jankiewicz

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Available as/for:
Vector icon theme for GTK. It can be used with XFce or GNOME. (I added logos for Ubuntu. Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Fedora, Gentoo, Arch, Zenwalk, Mndriva and Mint)

I put all files into git repository on github All errors and missing icons you can submit as issues there.

There are seven predefined themes (in five color schemes)

caeruleus - blue gradient
lux_caeruleus - glossy variant
canus - grey gradient(default)
dark_canus - dark grey gradient (for light themes)
luteus - orange gradient
violaceus - violet/pink gradient
lux_violaceus - glossy variant
viridis - green gradient
albus - white solid

To install copy Clarity folder to ~/.icons

You can now use PPA to install clarity icons
[indent] $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jcubic/jcubicppa && sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install clarity-icon-theme[/indent]

To change color theme of icons:
[indent] 1. you need to have installed rsvg-convert (in Ubuntu 16.04 it's in librsvg2-bin package)
2. open folder ~/.icons/Clarity
3. execute change-theme script
4. select the theme and click ok[/indent]
If you install from PPA repository or deb package run script as root:
[indent] $ gksu change-theme[/indent]

or from terminal:
[indent] $ cd ~/.icons/Clarity
$ make (name of the theme)[/indent]

If you install from PPA repository or deb package:
[indent] $ cd /usr/share/icons/Clarity
$ sudo make (name of the theme)[/indent]

To change distributor logo

[indent] $ cd ~/.icons/Clarity
$ make fedora[/indent]
(available logos are: arch, debian, fedora, gentoo, gnome, kubuntu, madriva, mint, suse, ubuntu, xfce, xubuntu and zenwalk)

If you install from PPA repository or deb package:
[indent] $ cd /usr/share/icons/Clarity
$ sudo make fedora[/indent]


You can create your own colors for icons
by modifying or creating new template which is SVG file.

After creating new template in src/template_your_name.svg just double click change-theme and select your theme. (if you want to use make you must run configure first)

NOTE: You must have installed zenity, change-theme depend on it and also rsvg-convert for 16px icons

Copyright Jakub T. Jankiewicz <>
Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 license <>
horned skull by Juicy Fish from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)
Last changelog:


* Add Android and scrcpy
* add file for: ICC Profile, Snap package file, Windows/Wine ini file,
* add symlinks: Windows/Wine shortcut, X.509 Certificate, empty file, generic file without a dedicated icon

Ratings & Comments



10 Great icon theme.THANKS !!


9 9 excellent


10 10 the best, still the best looking monochrome icons there is, just wish it got updated for modern distros.


10 10 the best


10 A long developed & highly appreciated theme which I thank you for. Continue adding more if possible!


9 + A really nice icon pack, suits dark themes as well. Except missing icons for some applications (e.g. Firefox Quantum, qBittorrent, etc).


9 +ok


Can't speak for all the colors but installed caeruleus and when I open the Preferences dialog in Evolution, the left side if very wide. Some icon(s) is(are) probably too big there.


It looks ok in Fedora XFce, what distribution you're using? Did you install in ~/.icon or /usr/share/icons directory (I think it shouldn't matter)? When I've opened the preferences, I think the icons where at 64x64 but they look the same on other themes in XFce.


Running Debian stable here. Installed in ~/.icons. My point of comparison was Netwaita icon theme, and I think it looks ok in Evolution's preferences dialog. Did you try the caeruleus variant specifically?


Here is how it look like in Fedora/XFce Will need to add icons for evolution not all of them are created. Do you have all of the large or only the blue ones?


Thanks, I'll check tonight when I'm back home. The separator between the left side (categories) and right side (options) is pushed toward the right with Clarity icons. I'll scroll down and see if I find a bigger icon than normal there.


Removed the folder in .icons and installed with the 0.5.0 .deb instead and same thing. Here's what I see:


Weird I will probably will need to create smaller icons just for evolution like with 16x16 (but probably will not create all icons like with 16px only those for evolution props). What window manager/Desktop you're using? Maybe I will replicate this on my machine or in VirtualBox.


Thanks for your time! I use native xfwm4 window manager, nothing special. It's not a big issue, I don't open the preferences menu everyday. :) I just wanted to bring this to your attention. Take care, François


Yes I can confirm, I've installed evolution on my Xubuntu 12.04 in VirtualBox and the icons are quite large. You can fix it by executing this code: find /usr/share/icons/Clarity/scalable/ -type f | sudo xargs sed -i 's/width="128" height="128"/width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 128 128"/' this will be cleared after you change icon color if you also execute this on src directory you will have permanent fix will create 0.5.1 version with a fix.


Thanks! Tried that but got an error message from sed. (no input file)


That's weird, if you've installed from deb package you should have that directory. Try find /usr/share/icons/Clarity/scalable/ -type f | wc -l it should give you 920. If you installed in ~/.icons/Clarity then change that path and you will not need sudo.


I made a typo, it's okay now, it worked, thanks much! :)


Just published version 0.5.1 with scaled icons to 64x64.


9 +


Trying to install this but rsvg-convert is not found. Running Debian stable here. Thanks!


You need librsvg package Also I think I've broken the build just uploaded new version of tar ball. The repo is also fixed + updated change-theme script.


Great, everything worked this time! Thanks!


Is there a way to download these icons without having to install a package so it installs it for you? Honestly, I run gentoo with Fluxbox, so obviously I am concerned with having a minimalist system. Adding an unnecessary package for icons seems a little useless for me. Does anyone have a direct link to download icons?

0 Affiliates
license Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike
version 0.7.0
downloads 24h 8
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 24

Other Full Icon Themes:

Neon Icon By Rock
last update date: 16 years ago

Score 4.3

last update date: 19 years ago

Score 5.0

Kicker Icon
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Score 5.0

Kicker PurpleLight
last update date: 19 years ago

Score 4.7

Anime Icons Beta
last update date: 18 years ago

Score 5.7

Kicker Bronz
last update date: 19 years ago

Score 5.0

An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.