
Full Icon Themes cyberpunk futuristic suru suru-icons suru-plus
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
✱ Renamed
to scalable
to make Suru++ Folders compatible with both Suru++ 30 and Suru++ Ubuntu;64
✱ Added GNOME PDF and DeVeDe symlinks (GitHub #113);
✱ Added missed Notion icon (GitHub #114)
✱ Added missed RMLint icon (GitHub #11
✱ Added Pocket Casts, designed by Jonas Gierer (GitHub #119);
✱ Added missed the icon `audio-card-usb` (GitHub #120);
✱ Added Comics Book (GitHub #123) and added new 350 mimetypes icons;
✱ Fixed wrong Transmission 16px icon (GitHub #124)
✱ Added Onionshare and Ophcrack icons;
✱ Added more than 38 Papirus apps icons;
✱ Added missed Insync icons of
and actions
✱ Added missed VSCode Live Share icons;
✱ Added new web apps icons: Grindr, Hornet, Tinder and XDA Developers;
✱ Added support for Wine apps icons: Affinity Designer and BCompare;
✱ Added Affinity Designer mimetypes;
✱ Added new alternative icons following: Comics Book (mimetype icon), Icons/GTK/Plasma Theme (mimetype icon), Sublime Text and Terminal;
✱ Added new colours, based on Suru++ Ubuntu colours, for folders – bordeaux, Canonical, Ubuntu and vermillion;
✱ Added new gradients based on gradients colours of 16px icons for folders – 90s Summer, Aurora and FitDance;
✱ Added new folders colours inspired by Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo;
✱ Added new gradient colours of @Roboron3042's Cyberpunk Neon for 16px icons and folders;
✱ Added new exclusive and special folders in homage to April, the month of astronomy, astronauts, aerospace engineering, cosmology, first image of black hole and the film Avengers: Endgame;
Ratings & Comments
Why do we have to go to the Github page?
Why can't we download the icons by clicking the download button?
Me again :) Using Linux Manjaro Gnome distro and after clean install, some of default apps are not supported. These are: Document scanner (Gnome app I believe), Layouts (new manjaro app), hp-uiscan (not even sure what is working but there is), Hardware locality, LSHW (Hardware LIster), Manjaro log helper, Parental controls (Gnome app I think), Ranger have identical icon as terminal, maybe something different here, GTK hash, Software token (stoken), Software token small, Gestures, Hp device manager (not sure why this is installed by default but it is), Firmware (Gnome app I think), Dinamic wallpaper editor and the last one Extensions (new Gnome app for extenisons). You are the best!
10 Can you check your paypall account, I sent you symbolic dontation, but it is on pending, and that can be if you didn't confirmed email, or phone number, please do that, I have some stuff to do with my pp account but can't because this transaction is on pending. Now icons you can add and would be wonderful are Stremio (the best torrent streaming open source app), Standard notes, Foliate (ebook reader), and two default Fedora apps "Problem reporting" and "Document scanner". All the best :)
10 10 the best
Why is LInuxmint's menu icons are darkish overlined ?
10 10 the best
Awesome icon set again, thank you!! Can you add some icons please :) If you install Reborn OS you will notice many app icons are missing by default: Arch Linux Kernel, Echomixer (even it is not opening), Envy24 control (also not opening), Extensions (new gnome app), FreeOffice PlanMaker, FreeOffice Presentations, FreeOffice Textmaker, Hardware local.., HDAJackRetask, HDSPconf, HDSP Mixer, Hwmixvolume, Pace, Reborn Updates and Maintenance (very good app), TLPUI, WPS2019, WPS pdf, WPS Presentations, WPS Spreadsheets, WPS Writer. This new Reborn OS is really cool, like Antergos in past, this is new ARCH distro with 15 DE to install..
Oque ouve descontinuou o projeto?
10 10 the best Can you please add support for avocode? https://help.avocode.com/en/articles/513807-installing-avocode-on-linux
Just to be clear, I see the icon already exists, but it does not work when installing the app in kde
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
6 6 okay
9 9 excellent
10 Wow, nearly 5500 icons! very beautiful and elegant. thank you for your amazing job
10 10 the best
8 8 great
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
Opa amigo. Baixei o arquivo suru-plus, mas ele me levou pra um repositório do github da versão do Suru++25 e não o 30, ok segui as instruções normais e ele instalou o 25... Sabe como eu instalo a versão 30?
Oi, foi no arquivo index.theme. ESqueci-me de atualizar este arquivo. Vou corrigi-lo na próxima semana.
10 10 the best
Thank, @fkorpsvart!