Description: Toffee-gtk-theme is a flat Material Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell etc. ----------------------------- GitHub: HomePage: ---------------------------- Based on materia-theme: ----------------------------- DOWNLOAD TIPS ----------------------------- Toffee: -----------------------------Dark headerbar version Toffee-compact: ---------------Dark headerbar Laptop version Toffee-dark: ---------------------Full dark version Toffee-dark-compact: -------Full dark Laptop version Toffee-light: ---------------------Full light version Toffee-light-compact: -------Full light Laptop version ----------------------------- INFO ----------------------------- GTK2 ENGINES REQUIREMENT - GTK2 engine Murrine or later. - GTK2 pixbuf engine or the gtk(2)-engines package.
We are used to beautiful shell themes, thanks! Just one question (do not I have a lot of experience with Gnome Shell): how do you get the "exit/quit button" on the far right panel/systray?
9+ I like this theme, it's very clean and minimal, especially the full light and full dark versions. IMO, would have more personality and more appeal with the closing button always visible. Currently the buttons are a bit 'anonymous
Ratings & Comments
9 Muy bueno. Esperemos que se actualice pronto.
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best Thanks for good theme
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best Toffee and Stylish are my favorite themes. Thank you.
9 Great theme, I'm using Toffee-dark-compact on my Xubuntu. Thanks!
You are welcome!
9 +
9 +
9 + Nice and neat!
9 +
9 +clean theme
We are used to beautiful shell themes, thanks! Just one question (do not I have a lot of experience with Gnome Shell): how do you get the "exit/quit button" on the far right panel/systray?
Use gnome-tweaks to set this
9 +
+ Clean. Is there any way to make the buttons on the compact version smaller? Too big imo
9 + I like this theme, it's very clean and minimal, especially the full light and full dark versions. IMO, would have more personality and more appeal with the closing button always visible. Currently the buttons are a bit 'anonymous