Buuf Plasma
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:kde
Description:This is used in my Psion Global Theme: https://www.pling.com/p/2138046.
Change missing up/down/back/forward icons.
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Change missing up/down/back/forward icons.
Ratings & Comments
10 The most original and non-standard theme. I really like it, thank you!
Full credit to the original author. Pleased that you like it and thanks for the vote.
9 The Neochat icon in the dark mode looks bad. It probably looks like in the light mode. I'm referring to the system tray icon. I'm using your latest package on Plasma 5.27.11. Could you fix it? Thanks for maintaining it.
Updated, and thanks for the vote.
What a cute icon :) Thanks.
9 It's a great theme! I love the style, organic and funny. I'm happy to see it active and updated. I just created a personal theme based on this, where I replaced some app and status icons to merge some concepts of the original theme with mines, i.e. where Buff theme use feathers for representing draw concepts, I use a pencil sketch. I added missing icons for toolbars in Plasma, like drawing tools for the annotations function in Spectacle.
Do you want to add them in? If so, raise an issue (or merge request) at https://www.opencode.net/phob1an/buuf-icons-for-plasma
I'll propose a few. Thank's for the tip.
Done! I hope they are helpful.
They're all in the latest update.
Please add icons for Applications, Processes, and History pages in Plasma System Monitor. There are also missing icons for Everything, Recent, Alphabetical, Rating, and Most Downloaded sort in the Get New Stuff dialog.
Less critical icon requests for the following apps: Blender, CoreCtrl, Haruna Media Player, Keysmith, Merkuro apps, AudioTube, and PlasmaTube
Will put them on the list. Got other work to finish first though.
I didn't do Haruna as I'm fine with its default. Couldn't fix all of Add New.. Even grepping source code didn't help. I also noticed few icon themes cover them either.
Hmm, falling back to Breeze Dark in general could at least be a good workaround for missing icons in general. Currently the icon theme falls back to Breeze Light, causing missing icons to be very difficult to read with the Psion colour scheme.
Good point. Updated.
Just search the web a bit and you will find a blender icon similar to the Buuf theme, rather than adding flat icons https://i.postimg.cc/y80PcHmh/blender.png
I would need to know who the artist is and what licence the icon was published under.
Here you go https://www.deviantart.com/sheharzad-arshad/art/Toona-icons-free-download-528401674
Hmm, icon for a dating website? ;) Can include it in the next update.
9 Aaahhhhh! Been using icons from this guy, or at least very close to this style for well over a decade. Gantz baby! That's how I found them. Nice that they are on linux now! Awesome work. Nostalgia.
8 Looks nice
Please add icons for firewall-applet, Tor browser, SchildiChat, Min Browser, UltimMC, Obsidian, Nicotine Also add icons for system tray things (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, battery and etc) Thanks for this great work!
Systray icons are part of the Plasma desktop theme not icon theme. Some apps (like MegaDrive below) provide their own icons which can be part of the icon theme. I'll add icons for the others to the next update but which firewall-applet do you mean?
10 10 the best