Web Page: drasite.com
Supported themes:
- GTK2
- GTK3
- GTK4
- GNOME Shell (3.36/3.38/40/41/42)
- Budgie
- Cinamon
- Metacity
Generate ANY Color theme!
- Download the `master.zip` package and extract it.
- Inside it run:
./generate-color-theme.sh FOOBAR '#123456' '#987654'
- Skeuos Light
- Skeuos Dark
- Skeuos git version (master) - latest version fom GitHub (may not be stable)
Color Variants
- Blue
- Green
- Red
- Yellow
- Black
- Brown
- Cyan
- Grey
- Magenta
- Orange
- Tea
- Violet
- White
- Download and extract the .tar.xz file.
- Move the theme folder to ".themes" in your home directory. (~/.themes)
- To set the theme, run the following command in Terminal (replace "Skeuos-Blue-Light" with the theme you want to install):
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Skeuos-Blue-Light"
or select "Skeuos-Blue-Light" via your desktop specific tweaks application.
flatpak override --filesystem=~/.themes/
For programs run as root
sudo ln -s ~/.themes/Skeuos-* /usr/share/themes/
Other Projects
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Ratings & Comments
10 The best themes like always ;)
9 this is really good! There's unfortunately a lack of good dark-mode post-skeumorphic themes, so this is definitely becoming my main one. The only issue I'm having is that I cannot see the volume level when changing my volume (like it shows the speaker icon, but not the bar below it). If that was fixed this would be an easy 10. (I use MATE, idk if it's a problem with that particular DE or if it applies to other DEs.)
9 9 excellent thanks for the great theme but i have a problem applying it to Mint 21.1 Xfce, as you can see from the screenshot it isn't applied for example in Thunar, in terminal, etc...: https://imgur.com/a/2iIoFWQ I followed the instructions and copied the theme folder Skeuos-Blue-Dark inside .themes folder and then selected it in Appareance under Mint and applied the style. I also rebooted the system. What im doing wrong? Thanks.
Under XFCE, to get the windows decorations, if they are provided with the theme, you need to open the Window Manager applet and choose them. With this theme you also need to have extracted the folder ending with "-XFWM" into .themes. That's where the XFCE window decorations are located.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
In qt apps, I have qt5ct "Style" set to use gtk2. In qt applications, the check mark boxes in menus looks off compared to gtk. Is there something that could be change in the gtk2 styling to make that look better?
Thank you
7 It looks good
4 4 soso Can't chose combination black panel and dark grey pop menu
add a black variant?
Hello, can you make a borderless skeuos xfwm4 version? it would be great!
that would be a problem because xfwm4 uses the border assets as the window resize frame. So if it has small or no borders you can't resize the windows from the sides or the bottom, or it gets super hard
Yeah you're right, in fact looking now at the greybird xfwm4 theme it has the borders but they are very thin, I thought they weren't there.
10 10 the best
Thank you! ;)
My Gnome 42 GTK4 apps (calc, calendar, etc) do not get re-themed, but they do in your screenshot. Is there an extra step?
Hello. Some apps in GNOME 42 now use libadwaita, which doesn't support theming unfortunately. My screenshots are using GNOME 41, that's why it shows those apps themed.
10 I really like it.
Thank you! ;)
10 10 the best
Thank you! ;)
9 9 excellent - this is so well made. Impressive!
Thank you! What could I improve to get a 10? ;)