Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:gtk2gtk3-16gtk3-18gtk3-20gtk3-22gtk3-24gtk4-0gtk4-2gtk4-4gtk4-6matexfce-414xfce-416
Description:This is a complete rebuild of Simple theme, using Adwaita as code base, for GTK 2, 3 and 4; other parts are the same as Simple.
This is a lightweight dark theme using mostly the same colors of another theme of mine: Soil. It is dark, with green accents. Disabled elements are brown. It is very easy on the eyes. It looks very much like old desktop themes from the nineties (somewhat like a dark Windows 95 theme, very retro). It is not the goal of this theme, but the effect is there anyway. The main goals are: very lightweight, dark but easy on the eyes theme, UI elements have a very clear legibility as for their function, works well both for compositing and non-composting window managers, ideal for old hardware but perfectly usable in modern too.
It is a skeuomorphic theme, but with square corners and no gradients, in order to make it as lightweight as possible. I've reduced to the minimum the use of boxshadows, with mostly all 3D aspect generated with borders, which I guess are faster to draw. There are also no animations or transitions, although there are hover effects.
Tested under XFCE, Mate, Cinnamon and Gnome, but I'd say it should work also with any other GTK desktop.
This themes includes the following elements:
- GTK2 (less than perfect port of GTK 3/4, which is the origin for the rest)
- GTK3
- GTK4
- metacity (less than perfect, but it follows the colors at least)
- openbox
- Unity
- KDE Color scheme
- Qt5ct and Qt6ct color scheme
- qtcurve configuration (attempt to make it the most similar possible, within qtcurves limitations)
- Kvantum theme (much better to use Kvantum than qtcurve as widget style; moreover, Kvantum works for qt6)
- Plasma theme (note: although it says it adapts to color themes, some elements have their color hardcoded, so for now better only use it with Simple color scheme)
- Aurorae theme (KWin (that is, KDE Plasma's default window manager) window decoration.
- Emerald (Beryl) theme
Metacity, openbox and QtNct color schemes were create using Oomox and then modified by me.
Xfwm4 theme (that is, Xfce window decorations) is entirely done by me, and should adapt its colors to any other GTK theme, so it is very versatile in itself.
Kvantum and Aurorae themes also made by me from scratch. Plasma theme adapted from Breeze.
Integration with other DE
To integrate this theme with Plasma or QT: You can either download corresponding Simple themes using Plasma Configuration tool, or, if you prefer to use the cloned repo, then:
- Plasma:
- import the color scheme in `kde_plasma_qt/plasma_colorscheme/` folder.
- With Kvantum manager, import kde_plasma_qt/Kvantum/Simple/`
- create a symbolic link to `kde_plasma_qt/aurorae/Simple/` called `Simple` at `~/.local/share/aurorae/themes`
- Other QT desktops:
- copy Simple.conf in `kde_plasma_qt/qt5_or_6ct_color_scheme/` to `~/.config/qt5ct/colors` (to activate it, you need to use qt5ct or qt6ct to manage the aspect of your QT applications)
- Do the same as with Plasma for Kvantum
- Gnome 42 and libadwaita: link or copy its Simplewaita/gtk-4.0/gtk.css to ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css and the folder Simplewaita/gtk-4.0/assets to ~/.config/gtk-4.0/assets (linking is the recommended option, especially if you use the cloned repo).
(note: you can also use the strategy of creating symbolic links for Kvantum and color scheme).
For GTK, metacity, xfwm4, openbox and Unity, just copy the root folder (or create a symbolic link to it) in `~/.themes` (or, if you want it to be available to all users, `/usr/share/themes`). If you clone the repo, then I'd recommend to creat a symbolic link to Simplewaita's folder in ~/.themes, so you just need to git pull in order to fully update it.
You can also get other Plasma elements separately:
- Kvantum theme: https://store.kde.org/p/1838511/ (note: better install Simplewaita's included Kvantum theme, since it is a bit different already than Simple)
- Plasma Theme: https://www.pling.com/p/1838513/
- Plasma color scheme: https://www.pling.com/p/1838517/
- Aurorae (Kwin window decorations) theme: https://www.pling.com/p/1838515/
I've created a way to use different color themes (for GTK 2,3 and 4 only; Plasma, qt, metacity and openbox still are not included in this feature):
- go to `source/templates/` directory and run `./use_scheme.sh name_of_color_scheme` (for example: `./use_scheme.sh colorscheme-dark-Simple.sh`
- move one directory upwards with `cd ..` and rebuild theme, using new selected scheme, and bearing in mind whether it's a light or a dark theme: `./compile.sh light` or `./compile.sh dark`
There are many color schemes, so you can test! Bear in mind that if you change the theme, "git pull" will ask you to stash the changes, and revert to the default dark and green theme (but then, once updated, you can again change the theme to your preferred one).
I've decided to add an option to donate money: If I had enough time and income, I'd definitely dedicate much more time to this activity, which I enjoy very much. Thank you!
Here's the Paypal link.
Libadwaita and Nautilus improvements
Nautilus looks much better now, and so do other gtk4 and libadwaita (Gnome, mainly) apps.
Ratings & Comments
9 This is literally perfect, works without any problem on Xorg, but with Wayland and fractional scaling in KDE Plasma the window borders looks really rare with some kind of artifacts and some buttons are blurred (The Minimize button of the windows, etc...)
Could you please post a link to an image of a screenshot that shows these artifacts? I hadn't experienced this because I've never used fractional scaling. However, if this happens with Kwin's window borders I would initially think it's a Kwin issue, because all elements in Kwin window decoration (that is, aurorae theme) are vector images (svg), which is the best format if something needs to be scaled, because it doesn't have pixels, but geometry information, so no blurring should happen. The only thing I can imagine is that Kwin renders assets at 1x scale and then it upscales them. If that's the case, it's clearly Kwin's fault. But anyway, I'd like to see a screenshot of the artifact, to better understand what's happening. Thanks!
https://git.disroot.org/eudaimon/Simplewaita/issues/4 There it is
10 Great theme.THANKS !!
Seeing repeated warnings in the git GTK3 theme: "Gtk-WARNING **: [timestamp]: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:348:74: '_text_shadow_color' is not a valid color name". Seems to be something erroneous in source/gtk3/_common.scss (line 1020)? Commit id f3b73700.
Hi, certainly, this is an error that has been around for a while. I've just solved it. Thanks for your precise tip for that!
Another glitch in xfce4-terminal: there are 2px grey borders at the top and left of the window when it's fullscreened, and 1px dark grey borders to the right and bottom. To replicate, run it as XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/ XDG_DATA_HOME=/ XDG_CONFIG_DIRS= XDG_DATA_DIRS= xfce4-terminal --disable-server --hide-scrollbar --hide-menubar --hide-toolbar --fullscreen
As for xfce4-terminal, for some reason the selector that comes when launching it (GTK_DEBUG=interactive xfce4-terminal) does not allow me to select the border that you mention (although it also appears on me). It may well be another notebook, since this application allow you to have tabs. So if you want to use this theme I'm afraid that you'll have to live with these, sorry! Otherwise I would have to completely redo the way tabs are shown, and as far as I remember this way was the only satisfactory way for me to use CSS tricks to allow this "tab" appearance. Maybe there's another way, I just didn't find it.
But anyway, thanks for pointing these out! For me it is frustrating to discover a theme that I like very much and at the same time that it has a few glitches or imperfect solutions or designs for some elements. I guess that's your case...
Hi nestort! I noticed a little glitch: there's a 4 pixel dark grey ridge at the top of gvim (from vim-gtk3) windows when you turn off all toolbars and menu bars. To replicate, run gvim -u /dev/null -U /dev/null and enter the command :set guioptions='' . It prevents gvim from fullscreening properly (well, specifically it breaks my hand-tuned gfn and lsp settings ^^)
Hi! This kind of things may happen with this theme: it has a lot of 2px solid borders. In the case of gvim, there is a notebook widget (the one used for tabs) at the top, even if it has no tabs. Simplewaita always draws a border around a notebook, and CSS does not allow (as far as I know) to draw it optionally only if there are actual tabs.
glitch: There's a 4 pixel dark grey ridge at the top of gvim (from vim-gtk3) windows when you turn off all toolbars and menu bars. To replicate, run gvim -u /dev/null -U /dev/null and enter the command :set guioptions='' . It prevents it fullscreening properly
Love this theme! It would be very cool if you made this compatible with the gnome-shell or if you made a cinnamon theme. I want to use this everywhere...
7 very nice theme,would be even better if colors were vars 4 easy changing but i know is hard to implement
Well, the main problem is that GTK2 uses an entirely different file and format to specify colors and other stuff, so in the end you also need a script in order to have coherent colors for both gtk2 and gtk3 or 4
9 Gtk2 has gradients in screenshlt. Otherwise good theme. Looks A bit like cde and win98
Hi! Yes, GTK2 is still a WIP. I need to dig deeper into either Clearlooks engine or chose another engine but which allows for choosing pressed buttons colors. Also, it's relief (skeuomorphic) effect is not good enough for me. So that might be where I focus next. I haven't really dug much into GTK2, actually! Anyway, thanks for the interest!
I've changed the engine (removed it, actually) so now it is the default GTK2 engine, which is much more similar to the GTK3 or 4. There are a few things that could be polished (like highlights and shadows width, color the "active" part of the scale...), but I'm not sure this engine allows it.