Gruvbox Plus Icon Pack
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:budgiecinnamondeepinelementarygnomekdelxdelxqtmatexfce
Description:- Suru++
- OneDark
- Gruvbox icon pack
- GruvboxMateria
- Papirus
- and original Breeze Dark from KDE.
GruvboxPlus is using color scheme from Gruvbox, both dark and light color palette.
Icons were created with the thought of dark backgrounds, so it's recommend to use dark themes. Version for dark themes will be available in a near future.
New icons are added regularly so if You don't want to wait several months for the next version of the pack You can install it from github page. You can find all information here.
Added, modified and fixed several application icons.
Ratings & Comments
9 Excellent icon theme.
10 The best...Thanks a lot !
10 Very beautiful icon theme. Thank you bro.
9 I'm enjoying this theme more every day. Thank you.
10 Rocking this alongside KDE on a workstation. I am missing Autodesk Maya, ryujinx, fceux and Tidal icons. Subscribed and supported to see additional icons added in the future. Thank you! 57 minutes ago
Thank you for Your kind words. All missing icons will be added when I finish rework of the monochrome icons, so I could create light theme version. But if You find that some icons are missing for You I will make them. I've just added Maya, Ryujin and Tidal. Fceux was already there but icon is softcoded. To use icons from the pack You have to make a copy fceux.desktop. Please refer to this https://github.com/SylEleuth/gruvbox-plus-icon-pack/issues/42#issuecomment-1971544565 for instructions.
9 These icons are absolutely FANTASTiC !!! Very Good work indeed . .
10 good theme, i really like it, just two things how can i change the folder colour, and could you add a pycharm icon?
To changing folder colour You have to manually change link path for each icon or use a script for that like in https://github.com/SylEleuth/gruvbox-plus-icon-pack/issues/24. There is already pycharm icon. If You have problem with displaying it please open an issues and provide more information.
10 This is stellar work, most beautiful design ever! I'm just having problems with some light system icons in a light theme. It would be great if system icons could be prioritized over new app icons.
Thank You for Your kind words. Most icons are inherited from several different packs, and new icons in most part are inspired by existing ones so all credits go to theirs designers. If you have a problem with system icons please open a new issue on GitHub page. I will look at it. But only if it's related to the dark theme. If it's about light theme it would have to wait a little longer. But I can assure You that light version is my main goal. To do that I want/have to fix, complete and redesign (it it's necessary) all symbolic icons first. If I skip it and create light version right now it will make my future work more difficult. I don't even work on new app icons (with an exception if someone actually ask me for that) and my priority is monochrome icons.
10 Consistent theme with lots of icons. It looks very nice on KDE with dark color scheme. Thanks for sharing your work.
It's so 50-thy)
I love the pack! thank you very much for your work. I noticed that there are multiple colors for the folders in the image but mine are blue. Is it possible to change something so that I can have green folders for example? Thank you again.
Currently there is no script to change folder icons. Only option for now is using bash command for that. Please look at that repository issue someone started: https://github.com/SylEleuth/gruvbox-plus-icon-pack/issues/24
10 Ultimate icon pack for the ultimate color scheme.
10 Excellent! Great looking art and lots of icons that are missing from other packs!
8 Good work, beautiful colors
10 10 the best
10 best gruvbox icons available
10 10 the best
hello, can you pls add some icons for a few apps, in special gnome text editor the other apps are brave browser, obsidian and heroic game launcher, stremio and gnome extensions, and ty for the work here
Hi. Please open a new issue here - https://github.com/SylEleuth/gruvbox-plus-icon-pack/issues Here You can read what information I need - https://github.com/SylEleuth/gruvbox-plus-icon-pack/issues
Wrong second link, sorry. https://github.com/SylEleuth/gruvbox-plus-icon-pack#contribution
9 Beautiful icons, but how to change the color of the folders?