Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

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Available as/for:cinnamongnome-41gtk2gtk3-22gtk3-24gtk4-0gtk4-2gtk4-4gtk4-6xfce-416
This is a flat theme that tries to have maximum readability ("crystal clear"). To this end, different effects are used to indicate different statuses for the items (such as hover, selected, etc.). Buttons are inspired by Materia, although the effects are different. Animations are slow so they are more obvious.

This theme is based on Adwaita GTK3 and GTK4 (source sasscs!) and built from there. Sources are also available.

GTK2 is based on Clearlooks.

I've created a way to use different color themes (you need sassc SASS compiler installed, and use a bash-compatible shell):

- go to `source/templates/` directory and run `./ name_of_color_scheme` (for example: `./`
- move one directory upwards with `cd ..` and rebuild theme, using new selected scheme, and bearing in mind whether it's a light or a dark theme: `./ light` or `./ dark`

There are a many available color themes already, both dark and light. I've changed default theme to dark-CrystalClear-neutral. First preview image is an animated GIF, which shows all the included color themes.

Included widget and window decoration themes:

- GTK: gtk2, gtk3, gtk4 (gtk2 is not really flat, but...)
- xfwm4 (not really matching, maybe just "good enough").
- Cinnamon, Gnome-Shell, chrome made with Oomox/Themix using Materia (these do not adapt to color themes other than the original one; they currently follow dark-CrystalClear).

Libadwaita support

In order for libadwaita apps (i.e. most native Gnome apps) to display this theme instead of default libadwaita, you should go to your `~/.config/gtk-4.0` directory and link there this theme's gtk-4.0 `gtk.css`, `gtk-dark.css` and `assets` directory. For example, supposing you have this theme in your `~/.themes` directory:

cd ~/.config/gtk-4.0
ln -s ~/.themes/ClearCrystal/gtk-4.0/assets
ln -s ~/.themes/ClearCrystal/gtk-4.0/gtk.css
ln -s ~/.themes/ClearCrystal/gtk-4.0/gtk-dark.css

Neon version

If you clone the source repo, you'll find a branch called `neon`. It is intended to be used with color schemes such as Cyberhack or Matrix. It is a my way to update my Cyberhack theme, so now it covers gtk3, gtk and libadwaita! The last gallery picture features this variation. To activate it, you should `git switch neon`, and I'm not sure if, then, `git pull`, just in case.

I've decided to add an option to donate money: If I had enough time and income, I'd definitely dedicate much more time to this activity, which I enjoy very much. Thank you!

Here's the Paypal link.
Last changelog:

Some fixes

Fixed .solid-csd
Fixed .progress in treeviews
Libadwaita fixes
Fixed sliders

Ratings & Comments



10 brilliant and very helpful, it's much easier to distinguish elements with this theme


I'm glad I achieved my purpose then! UI have a very rich amount of items and functions, and many themes don't show it. To some people I'm sure it's OK (I can understand the need for minimalism and simplicity). I prefer that the richness is explicit, and at the same time the interface is no too cluttered. That's a difficult balance!


I couldn't agree more. And it's easier on the eyes as well since they need to focus less. If you look at the screen for entire day you tend to appreciate more these accessibility features of themes and/or window managers.


10 Excellent presentation ! Keep up the good work


Thanks! I tried a flat theme as a change, since many of my last themes were skeuomorphic. I'm pretty satisfied with this one (although there are always things to improve). Let's see what's gonna be next!


10 I like it but color themes doesn't work. Can you upload the all themes please.


ı have got these errors Compiling gtk3... Error: Invalid CSS after "$window_fg:": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was "${vwindow_fg};" on line 1:13 of common/_theme_colors.scss from line 4:1 of gtk3/_colors.scss from line 3:1 of gtk3/gtk-contained-dark.scss >> $window_fg: ${vwindow_fg}; ------------^ Error: sassc exited with error, aborting deployment of gtk3 Compiling gtk4... Error: Invalid CSS after "$window_fg:": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was "${vwindow_fg};" on line 1:13 of common/_theme_colors.scss from line 12:1 of gtk4/_colors.scss from line 4:1 of gtk4/Default-dark.scss >> $window_fg: ${vwindow_fg}; ------------^ Error: sassc exited with error, aborting deployment of gtk4


Hi! Do you use the `./ light` or `./ dark` command to generate the new theme? Do you use it after having issued the `./` (where "" is any of the different color scheme scripts provided)? Which shell do you use, if so? It works for sure in bash or zsh, but I don't know about other ones. For what you post, it's possible that color substitutions are not correctly applied to the template file (which is then copied to `common/_theme_colors.scss`), maybe because of a different type of shell?


i have issue after ./ dark command. I am using zsh. My shell GNOME 3.38.6. Kernel 5.10.


I also use zsh, so I don't think that is the culprit, then... Does this happen only after having issued a `` command, or even just after having cloned the repo? What seems to happen is that the template file is processed but the substitutions (for example, for placeholders such as this ${vwindow_fg}) are not applied, so sass compiler finds the placeholder instead of the actual color (such as `#131320`). I really don't know why use_scheme is not working. Just another try: where do you execute this from? I always execute it from the `source/templates` directory (that is, where it resides). I have programmed it assuming this is the case, and I'm not sure if it would work otherwise. The same for, I always call it from `source` directory. Do you, too?


10 10 the best


9 9 excellent

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license AGPLv3
version 1.2
downloads 24h 5
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 19

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