Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:budgiecinnamongnome-40gnome-41gtk3-20gtk3-22gtk3-24gtk4-0gtk4-2gtk4-4gtk4-6
*GTK 4.0+*
*GTK 3.24*
*MARWAITA x (compact version) may look wierd on gnome apps*
added Marwaita x (compact version)
new plank theme
new selection style
new treeview selected background
fix treeview hover gtk3
new check and radio size
new light theme palette
fix spinbutton osd
fix arrow button on toolbar
fix size of osd progressbar
fix sidebar background color
fix columnview button states
Ratings & Comments
10 Upvoted to 10!
This is a nice theme, thanks. A COMPACT version would be very much welcome.
I second that!
i know, i dont like that neither, but gnome guidelines are like that, i will add a compact version but some gnome apps will look wierd
compact version added
Thank you very much!
Thanks for the addition.
Hi dude, amazing themes! Thx so much!!! Please make a variant COMPACT theme.
I would like to have a compact version too.
Can you also add XFCE support with this WM?
9 I'll give a 9 for the light theme, very refreshing. Dark is a little drab imo though..
GTK regular and dark versions show as dark in Mint (21.3) Cinnamon. It's OK in XFCE though. The Cinnamon theme itself is OK. Also, file selection in Thunar's right pane gets no highlighting. With Nemo, the filename gets accented in (grey?) in icon view. With dark variant that's not obvious. Thanks.
8 Definitely original and refreshing.
10 10 the best. Could you please add gtk2 support?
theme doesnot work on manjaro cinnamon and nemo 5.8. shows black screen
Did you restart Cinnamon or logout/login?
yes I tried logout and restart also . It doesnot work .
10 Wish your themes were available at flatpak remote-ls flathub | grep org.gtk.Gtk3theme to be able to theme the Flatpak Libadwaita apps
Among the very few themes that works great with MATE, thanks!
10 10 the best
Any chance you could share that wallpaper in the background?
The menu opened by a right click in firefox is vertically compressed.
fixed it :)
10 10 the best