Hi, I am michael-c.
I am a Christian, a Dad, and I don't like Brussels sprouts! I am not sure whether you have to capitalize the first word or not. I mean, it is a real city in...I think Belgium. Anyway, I have learned to speak Italian and I am doing...well, I don't know: I have nobody with which I can compare myself. Not important. It matters what God thinks! He loves us so much that He had His Son, who was one of the 3 persons in the Holy Trinity (God, the Father, Jesus or Adonai, as He was known in the Old Testament times, and The Holy Spirit of God) known as Adonai in the time before Jesus was born. The Holy Spirit chose Mary, a girl from Nazareth who loved God very much. And so just as the angel, Gabriel had told Mary, the Holy Spirit put the "seed" in Mary which...well, I am not going to explain that here, but about 9 months and 6 days later, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. He gave up, at least temporarily, omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence to reside in a shell of flesh. He was subjected to all of the same experiences that any other person (at least, generally speaking) could feel, and even tempted by all of the temptations we feel, though He never acted on them, and so He was sinless. He took upon Himself the sins--ALL of the sins--of every person who ever would or did live in all of Earth's history (which is about 6 to 7 thousand years(ǂ) which I have included links below for you to check, and please do check them out) and was hung upon a cross to slowly suffocate and bleed to death, because if you are on a cross, if you want your next breath, you have no choice but to push with your feet (which only made the huge spike driven through both feet, and the wound caused by it to open a little bit more so your body could not form blood clots--none that would do any good) push down against the spike to raise your body up to try to ease the muscle spasms in the chest, back, shoulders, arms, and the diaphragm (the breathing muscle) so you could inhale oxygen that your body was craving more and more as blood loss got worse. This being after he had been whipped with a multi-thonged whip that had metal tied in to rend more flesh with each lashing...39 times! It is no wonder, then, why Jesus--just before being betrayed by Judas and taken into custody--was praying to His Heavenly Father, "...if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will" (Matthew 26:39 NKJV) What does that mean? It means He was terrified, knowing what was going to happen. He did that for you....for me, for everyone. We choose to believe or not believe, which comes down to accepting His free gift of salvation, or throwing it back in His face. God paved the way, rolled out the red carpet, and met us 99.9999% of the way. No, God is not being cruel. He is being merciful.
ǂ: www.icr.org and www.genesisapologetics.com. Read the Left Behind series or watch the movies. Watch The Chosen mini-series. It will begin to provide answers. They are out there, and more and more "atheists" are disbelieving Darwin's Evolution scam.
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