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Problem with download Themes
Gifs dont work properly on open desktop even though it is listed as a supported type
Would it be possible to convert this wonderful screensaver to an xscreensaver module (as Plasma 5 doen't support/provide kscreensavers anymore)?
9 years ago
Note: This should not be over written by updates like the old way that doesn't work anymore. I'm using KDE 4.14 and do not know if it works in Plasma 5. Please reply here if you test that. KDE...
Hello, I posted a fix which did work but doesn't anymore. I like this screensaver so much I have not only figured out how to fix it but it's much easier. First: 1. Install scrot (it takes...
TuxSaver Mandrake RPM and Debian package
Trekker, thanks a lot, it works that way, and the kids are happy ;-)
Hello groj. I've all debs extracted in a new directory /opt/tuxsaver. As openbox user then I've added export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/tuxsaver/lib:/opt/tuxsaver/lib/i386-linux-gnu in the file...
Would it be possible to convert this wonderful screensaver to an xscreensaver module (as Plasma 5 doen't support/provide kscreensavers anymore)?